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[MtG EDH] - Jeleva's Bombs: Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge


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This deck is essentially built around Jeleva abusing her effects to cast high-cost instants and sorceries for no cost. She's pretty efficiently become the most griefer deck in my playgroup, though she sometimes has trouble winning because her effect automatically makes her a target. Deck is somewhat budget. Any suggestions for improvement?


TAPPED OUT DECKLIST -- http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/jelevas-bombs-edh/


1x Acquire (5DN)
1x Akoum Refuge (C13)
1x Alpha Brawl (DKA)
1x Archaeomancer (M14)
1x Army of the Damned (C13)
1x Baleful Strix (C13)
1x Blasphemous Act (C14)
1x Blast of Genius (DGM)
1x Blightning (DDK)
1x Bojuka Bog (CMD)
1x Brainstorm (CNS)
1x Capsize (TMP)
1x Chaos Warp (VMA)
1x Charmbreaker Devils (ISD)
1x Command Tower (CMA)
1x Consuming Aberration (GTC)
1x Crosis's Charm (C13)
1x Cruel Ultimatum (V13)
1x Crumbling Necropolis (C13)
1x Crystal Shard (MRD)
1x Denying Wind (PCY)
1x Diabolic Tutor (M12)
1x Dimir Guildgate (DGM)
1x Dissipation Field (SOM)
1x Doom Blade (M12)
1x Evolving Wilds (DDN)
1x Far / Away (DGM)
1x Galvanoth (MBS)
1x Gild (BNG)
1x Grave Betrayal (RTR)
1x Grixis Charm (C13)
1x Grixis Panorama (ALA)
1x In Garruk's Wake (M15)
1x Increasing Vengeance (DKA)
1x Index (9ED)
8x Island (FRF)
1x Izzet Boilerworks (CMD)
1x Izzet Guildgate (DGM)
1x Izzet Signet (CMD)
1x Lightning Bolt (M10)
1x Lightning Greaves (CMD)
1x Lim-Dul's Vault (C13)
1x Lord of the Void (GTC)
1x Mirari (C13)
6x Mountain (FRF)
1x Nephalia Drownyard (ISD)
1x Obelisk of Grixis (DDH)
1x Phthisis (MMA)
1x Planeswalker's Mischief (PLS)
1x Ponder (M10)
1x Pongify (C14)
1x Propaganda (CMD)
1x Rakdos Carnarium (C13)
1x Rakdos Guildgate (DGM)
1x Rapid Hybridization (GTC)
1x Rise of the Dark Realms (M14)
1x Runechanter's Pike (ISD)
1x Sadistic Sacrament (ZEN)
1x Sigiled Starfish (JOU)
1x Sleep (M13)
1x Sol Ring (VMA)
1x Sorin's Vengeance (M12)
1x Soul Manipulation (ARB)
1x Spelltwine (M13)
1x Stolen Identity (GTC)
1x Strionic Resonator (M14)
8x Swamp (FRF)
1x Swiftfoot Boots (C13)
1x Syphon Flesh (CMD)
1x Temple of Deceit (THS)
1x Temple of the False God (C13)
1x Terminate (CMD)
1x Traumatize (M14)
1x Turn / Burn (DGM)
1x Undercity Plague (GTC)
1x Vampire Nighthawk (M13)
1x Vivid Creek (MMA)
1x Vivid Marsh (CMD)
1x Worst Fears (JOU)
1x Young Pyromancer (M14)
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You know what makes Jeleva even more fun? Possibility Storm. Your opponent's cant resolve anything properly while you're just sitting back and taking things off the top of their Deck. It only triggers when cards are being cast from the hand, but you're primarily casting cards from exile or the command zone.


Personally recommend you drop some of the cheaper-looking spells like Blightning and Sleep in favour of more griefing cards like Psychic Intrusion and Bribery. You can also afford to drop Young Pyromancer for something like Nightveil Specter to drive more insults home. While I love Turn/Burn and Far/Away these aren't exactly very good in Jeleva since you don't get a lot of opportunities to Fuse them, and I'd instead swap them for reanimators like Fated Return or boardwipes like Decree of Pain just to pour more salt in the wounds.


With the number of casts you'd be getting if you play well, Sphinx-Bone Wand becomes a snowballing source of damage that helps you clean up the opponents after you've been wreaking havoc on the board.

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You know what makes Jeleva even more fun? Possibility Storm. Your opponent's cant resolve anything properly while you're just sitting back and taking things off the top of their Deck. It only triggers when cards are being cast from the hand, but you're primarily casting cards from exile or the command zone.


Personally recommend you drop some of the cheaper-looking spells like Blightning and Sleep in favour of more griefing cards like Psychic Intrusion and Bribery. You can also afford to drop Young Pyromancer for something like Nightveil Specter to drive more insults home. While I love Turn/Burn and Far/Away these aren't exactly very good in Jeleva since you don't get a lot of opportunities to Fuse them, and I'd instead swap them for reanimators like Fated Return or boardwipes like Decree of Pain just to pour more salt in the wounds.


With the number of casts you'd be getting if you play well, Sphinx-Bone Wand becomes a snowballing source of damage that helps you clean up the opponents after you've been wreaking havoc on the board.


These suggestions sound really good, especially Sphinx-Bone Wand and Possibility Storm (the deck has some trouble dealing consistant damage). Sadly Bribery is a little more money than I'm willing to pay for a single card ATM and I never really liked Psychic Intrusion much. Other ones look great though, totally gonna try them out.

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I will have to say, psychic intrusion is a much more powerful card than it appears. It removes a potential threat from the opponent's hand, hurting their card advantage, while at the same time giving you a card to use whenever you want. Grabbing countermagic and removal is especially powerful, as it helps to preserve your win condition while also giving you an answer to an opponent's later card.

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Oh. Jelva is a wizard. She can be protected and reused with [url=http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=10704]Riptide Laboratory[/url]. I run tribal wizard in like every blue deck I build ever, and can attest to the lab's power.


Also, cut Traumatize. All it does is make their snapcaster and past in flames better.

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Well, Jeleva already has Crystal Shard  in there, which is a bit more useful than Escape Routes since it can hit anything and trigger off just one blue mana.


As for Snapcaster and the like, I'm not in a playgroup that has the money to throw around on stuff like Snapcaster. We're very casual, so cards of that magnitude of money aren't worrisome for this in my environment.

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Well, Jeleva already has Crystal Shard  in there, which is a bit more useful than Escape Routes since it can hit anything and trigger off just one blue mana.


As for Snapcaster and the like, I'm not in a playgroup that has the money to throw around on stuff like Snapcaster. We're very casual, so cards of that magnitude of money aren't worrisome for this in my environment.


My point is that milling the opponent does nothing. You aren't going to mill their whole deck with just traumatize. It is literally impossible. If you don't mill the whole deck, you aren't accomplishing anything.

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My point is that milling the opponent does nothing. You aren't going to mill their whole deck with just traumatize. It is literally impossible. If you don't mill the whole deck, you aren't accomplishing anything.

I second this. Even if your playgroup doesn't run Snapcaster Mage or Past in Flames, the graveyard in EDH is basically your second hand. Too many decks rely on interacting with the graveyard to successfully work, and milling them aimlessly is just giving them more ammo.
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