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[CFV] Enigman Cloud and Evolution Monster, Darvin


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Enigman Cloud
[AUTO] (SB1) When this Unit appears in R, you can pay the cost. If you do, look at the top 5 cards of your Deck, search for up to 1 Grade 2 or lower "Enigman" card, show it to your opponent, add it to your hand, then shuffle your Deck. After adding that card to your hand, choose 1 card from your hand and place it into your Soul.


Evolution Monster, Darvin
[AUTO] [Choose 1 of your other Rearguards, place it in your Soul] When this Unit appears in (RC), you can pay the cost. If you do, you can choose up to 1 "Zeal" card from your Deck with the same Grade as your Vanguard, Ride it Standing, Shuffle your Deck. After Riding, choose 1 card with the same Grade as your Vanguard {from Soul?}, call it to a Rearguard Circle, Choose 1 of your opponent's Vanguard's, it loses 3000 Power this turn.
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>evolution monster



It's not even one letter off since some places reads V as W. Well, not japanese ofc but hey, it's close enough




...Oooh boy, if Zeal really get a Revival legion, Darwin would be pretty dope as hell. It makes riding original Zeal not a pain in the ass in that case.

Cloud is also pretty cool, it gets most of the pieces of the ridechain and place it into the soul in case you missed it, all for a measly SB1 cost that immediately get refunded anyway.

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