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Fourth grader suspended for bringing his 'one ring' to school

Just Crouton

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Can we please not group the whole state into one pile here? I'm sure there's shitty schools, and good ones, in every state...


Thank you.

One mishandling of a school matter does not mean that the entire state in which said mishandling occurred is instantly terrible. I lived in Texas for most of my life, and it's a nice place. Crap like this happens everywhere. You people seriously need to stop classifying Texas as 'terrible' because of one incident. 

But anyways, this is pretty silly. I mean, come on... suspending him for re-enacting a movie scene? It was obviously just a playful act; no harm intended. 'A threat?' Really? That's bullshit. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna make you dissapear with my magic ring! Muahahahahahahah!" And he's a fourth grader too... if the best scientists in the world can't do it, then I don't think this kid could, either. 

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So much rage from all the members here .-. and I can understand why.




but not really. Never heard of this kind of idiocy happening here tho.


I am in teh uk already. Oops.


So suspending a boy for his imagination makes sense, since he has to lose his imagination in order to be able to vote for utter tyrants.

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