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Separating Anime/Manga Cards and TCG/OCG card discussions

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Aside from things that happened today and most sundays, Anime/manga cards don't see too many threads. I think making its own board will just make a dead zone, since a majority of said cards don't really have any decent discussion points in the first place.I say leave it as is or ban A/M altogether, but there really hasn't been a problem before today IIRC.

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You're a damn mod, you don't need support for this, you can just do it


If TCG was his area, that'd be true. I admit I'd be less than amused if other mods randomly started reorganizing and reformatting my section without my input.



Aside from things that happened today and most sundays, Anime/manga cards don't see too many threads. I think making its own board will just make a dead zone, since a majority of said cards don't really have any decent discussion points in the first place.I say leave it as is or ban A/M altogether, but there really hasn't been a problem before today IIRC.




TCG isn't as active as it was in the old days. In fact, there can sometimes be pretty dry periods with only a few new topics a day, although this isn't THAT common. When new anime episodes air, there tends to be an activity boost, but the majority of those topics are anime cards.


If there was a subsection devoted only to anime/manga, that section would get that boost, but the main section would not. And more realistically, splitting the area would actually reduce activity a bit because some views would be in a subsection and the others would be in a different one.


Really, the title tags usually are sufficient to distinguish RL and anime discussion, and today is more something of a situation in itself, rather than something that needs the sections to be reformatted to accommodate it happening.

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On one hand, it can never hurt to try, as it can be easily reversed should it fail.


On the other, I think this sounds redundant. Anime/Manga topics usually have context discussion as well as discussion as if it was in IRL, so I don't see the issue.

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