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Monty Oum of Rooster Teeth passed away


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One thing above all else that bothers me about this awful, tragic occurrence... "he did not suffer through his coma". I'm not quite clear on how we know that exactly, and it nags at the back of my mind like a second mother... maybe puzzling the mystery is just my subconscious reaction to shield myself from the awful, but it's happening.


Rest In Peace, Monty. In the event you cannot, please channel your hauntings as a muse and lend inspiration to finish what you've started: making the world better through creative works.

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Sooner or later, everyone dies. That's what it means to be a human being. Either you'll meet your end, or you'll see others meeting their end first, because that's just the way it goes.


But that doesn't change in the slightest the fact that when it does happen, it goddamn hurts.

Monty Oum was one of my idols. I admired a one-man army like that who was capable of accomplishing a whole ton of things through sheer effort, dedication, and creativity, inspiring others to do the same. To me, he was living proof that ordinary people can achieve things that way, and not simply by doing some easy gimmick to get other people's attention.

He was still young enough that he should've had the chance to live a longer life, though I suppose that's being really selfish, since the same may as well be said for the millions of others who've also had to die young. That's just the way reality is, it's known to be cruel for a reason. Sometimes, people just die randomly, without prior prompt or reason, and when it happens, there's really no point in denying it.

I don't believe that this event has quite sunk in yet for me, so there's not much else I can say. Honestly, I'm not sure what to type.

However, even though the world has been deprived of a brilliant man, we cannot forget the positive influence that he has had over it and what he's left for the rest of us. We may not bring the man back, but we can honour his memory by wishing the best for everyone who was actually close to him and carrying on. Doing the stuff we do best, no matter what it may be.

Therefore, Monty Oum. Rest in peace.

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Im trully sadden to watch hopeless as a man who invented so many badass things like RVB, RWBY and dead fantasy was a amazing experience for me in the internet to see the news TODAY im in shock, lost in words.....


I really Hope his legacy dosen't die Monty you sir are what's awesome in the internet, May you rest in peice Monty.




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I figured it would be fitting to post this.


I was listening to that earlier, I always appreciate stories like that about meeting someone. I didn't do this myself, but I heard if you search "I met Robin Williams" or something to that effect, there are really nice stories about how he interacted with all these people in kind and awesome ways.

And it's nice to see that Monty Oum was one of those people too.

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"I do not cry for the dead. Why should I? They are in a better place. I instead cry for those left behind. Because of this selfish desire that I cannot, do not, want to have this world without him."







I know this is supposed to be serious, but I just can't stop staring at the girl on the rights boobs ._.

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Wow, that fanart of RWBY characters mourning his passing. That's just too much.


That's honestly what got me. I mean I was sad that he passed away from something that really shouldn't have happened, but in the end I know things will move on and return to a kind of "normality". But seeing the massive amount of outpouring sympathy from fans in the form of artwork was just . . . too much . . .





That was a great tribute video, though. Hearing Monty saying those words of wisdom just makes me miss him even more.


As I said in the video, hearing that actually was what helped me settle this entire thing. I can't be saddened anymore; that'd be against what Monty was all about.


I know this is supposed to be serious, but I just can't stop staring at the girl on the rights boobs ._.


I don't think most people or even Monty would chide your for that.

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Seeing that video in my YT news feed was nice to see, it was a great tribute video.


I know this is supposed to be serious, but I just can't stop staring at the girl on the rights boobs ._.

Neither can I, but like Jake said I don't think many people would hold it against you.

(Although I bet some people might find doing that disrespectful.)

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I know this is supposed to be serious, but I just can't stop staring at the girl on the rights boobs ._.


Why do you think I stared at the pic for over half an hour?


I-I was also moaning mourning Monty's death >w<


But yeah, this picture has a lot of impact. Really gave me the feels. Once again, RIP Monty.

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However, based on hair tone, i am pretty sure that is indeed his wife. Really the most intense image i have seen. I actually have tears running down my face as I am typing this...

But, really, the reason it is so powerful is because of the second to last panel. Even though he is gone, I really can't help but smile when I think of him, y'know? That even though he isn't down here on earth anymore, we can look at the works he made, the things he did that make us miss him as much as we do...

and smile.

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When I first heard that Monty Oum had passed away, I was really sad, but it was sort of hard to feel, since I didn't know him too well outside of RWBY.

When I saw all the RWBY tribute images though, and specifically some of the ones I had linked, the tears started coming, because it made the loss feel even more devastating, since I feel more strongly (for example sadness/pain) if I see someone else is in that pain as well, and even if it's not a human in the flesh, the tribute images with the characters looked realistic (in animation-wise) that it still triggered the feelings inside me.


Also, I realized I had forgotten to watch the last episode of RWBY season 2 when I was trying to stop crying, and after I watched it, I felt completely crushed inside, because I realized that RWBY would take a hard hit without Monty at its head, and that it would change inevitably. Also, I realized later that Monty was Ren when I was just watching till the credits, and then I finally understood all the Nora tribute pictures, because Nora lost Ren. At first, I just thought it was another tribute picture, sad, yes, but this made it so much more heartbreaking.


I've been listening to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtGlVTiSag4]this[/url] and listening to/watching other RWBY videos and just feeling the feels.

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