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Yugioh into Hearthstone! Project 1: FIRE FIST! [Hearthstone]


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So, I just decided to convert Yugioh Archetypes into Hearthstone decks, Implementing as much of the archetype's mechanics as possible into Hearthstone. Some cards have been given alternate effects, because Hearthstone lacks certain mechanics that yugioh has (Such as Piercing damage and Graveyard mechanics). I did my best when making this, and I know, it's not perfect, but hey, it works right?


Tell me what you think. :3


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Types arent bolded in Hearthstone, however they do look very nice. 


Dragon could be a 5 for 4/4 or 4/3 to be honest he costs too much on his own to Summon.


Tenki wouldn't work it'd have to be add 1 Random Beast-Warrior as there isn't really any mechanic like that except Tracking which is pretty much Pot of Duality, otherwise it's fine.


Same goes for Gorilla it'd have to be a random Fire Formation otherwise he's fine.


Lion Emperor is fine he's pretty much just Shadowstep with legs.


Seito is fine how it is however I wouldn't run more than 1 it feels a bit too slow and its a game finisher pretty much.


Tensen is fine.


Horse Prince is too good make him a 7 cost instead of a 6 cost and make him a 5/3 or 6/3 just to balance it out a bit. Also where does the 5 cost minion come from?


Hawk is fine except add Random


With Spirit where do you Summon the minion from?


With Snake i dont think the wording "your Fire Formation spells cost 1 less" I think it'd have to be worded either as your 'Fire Formation' spells or just "Your spells cost (1) less." as seen on Sorcerer's apprentice.

Tensu is overkill either make it 3 Mana or have it be 1 mana less. That way dropping 2 isn't so much overkill.


Tiger King is fine albeit changes that have been made on previous cards are made here too.


Raven is fine except where is the 1 drop coming from


Tenken is fine however seems rather useless except for the +1/+1


Swallow is strong. Maybe too strong but eh?


Bear is fine except for random add


Kaiyou is fine.


Gyokkou is great.


All around a great concept hope to see more :)

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