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My Little Dragon

Just Crouton

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And now the brony population will all play vanguard under the same clan due to this card.

'Cept this is a whole 1 card that kinda' sorta' fits that criteria, vs the overabundance of Super Robos and otherwise badass looking mechas.
Now if this card were part of Dimension Police(Too lazy to look this card up), then we can talk.
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'Cept this is a whole 1 card that kinda' sorta' fits that criteria, vs the overabundance of Super Robos and otherwise badass looking mechas.
Now if this card were part of Dimension Police (Too lazy to look this card up), then we can talk.

It's just a Neo Nectar card...

Although, why is it that I'm only just realising that you changed your name? (I wasn't paying attention to the post count until now)

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