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[CFV] G Legend Deck 1: The Dark "Ren Suzugamori"

~British Soul~

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Young Skull Witch, Nemain
Grade 1 / Shadow Paladin / 6000 Power / 0 Shield
[CONT] Sentinel
[AUTO] [Choose a card from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC) from hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your vanguards that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle. Then, if you have a card named "Young Skull Witch, Nemain" in your drop zone, draw a card, and choose one card from your hand, and discard it.
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Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"
Grade 4 / Shadow Paladin / 15000 Power+
ACT (VC) Once Per Turn [Counterblast 1 & Choose a face down card named "Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"" from your G zone, and turn it face up] If you have 2 or more face up cards in your G zone, until end of turn, this unit gets Power +10000/Critical +1 and "AUTO (VC)[Choose 3 of your rearguards, and retire them] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, your opponent may choose two of his or her rear-guards, and retires them. If he or she does not, until end of that battle, your opponent cannot call cards from hand to GC."


Blaster Dark "Diablo"
Grade 3 / Shadow Paladin / 11000 Power
CONT (VC)[GB2] When you would pay the cost of Stride, if a G unit with "Blaster" in its card name would Stride, cards in your hand get grade +3.
AUTO (VC) During your turn, when your "Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"" Strides, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.

Yay confirmation on PB"D" still being really, really dumb!
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[spoiler=Lots and lots of pics]

[spoiler=Pics of the box from various sides]






Side ft. Loli!Nemain



[spoiler=Holo Grim Recruiter]


Kinda bent in transport but oh well \o/


[spoiler=Blaster Dark "Diablo" Playset]



[spoiler=Phantom Blaster "Diablo" Playset]



[spoiler=Bishi Caar Playset]



[spoiler=Macha Playset]



[spoiler=Mac Lir, Trumpeter, Charon]



[spoiler=Loli Witch, Nemain]



[spoiler=Fullbau Brave and Triggers]






[spoiler=ALL THE HOLOS!]




[spoiler=Sleeve, Mat and Deck Box]




The History of Ren Suzugamori. Can someone translate plox? Seems quite nice, detailing all of Ren from his childhood up to PB"Abyss"


Deck how-to.


Playmat and fighter's counter



Was lucky enough to get this day of release~ As requested, here are the pics~

Apologies for potato quality on some of them, but I can say that everything is very nice. Seriously very nice.

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Oh my god... I hope you know that I'm envy now.


While I'm not a fan of the sleeves (I'd prefer to have Blaster Dark sleeves any time instead of Ren), anything else is really fine and the deck looks gorgeous. It would be also appreciated that after you playtest the deck, you'd tell us your opinion about the playstyle, the consistency and any qualities of the deck. In other words: I wonder if the deck is indeed as good as people say.

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Oh my god... I hope you know that I'm envy now.


While I'm not a fan of the sleeves (I'd prefer to have Blaster Dark sleeves any time instead of Ren), anything else is really fine and the deck looks gorgeous. It would be also appreciated that after you playtest the deck, you'd tell us your opinion about the playstyle, the consistency and any qualities of the deck. In other words: I wonder if the deck is indeed as good as people say.

Hopefully I shall be able to testplay tomorrow. I'm planning to go to locals then, but tbh from what I saw when I picked this up there's at least three other people who got it as well~

I think this should be pretty good though. But, I'll report back soon enough. And yeah, Blaster Dark sleeves woulda been nicer, and having Ren Sleeves on the Ren mat looks kinda silly :x

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