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Member Cards by a 3-star member


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I know a lot of people are making member cards lately but I wanted to see if I was any good


card notes:


Anomu13 - the pic is way off, but thats what happens when you fill in the entire form I guess, hard to find a pic

Xiahkiten - I hate the pic but it was the best I could manage, sorry


Note- I will search and search until I find a good pic




(you do not have to fill out this form entirely if you dont want)

Name (are you excluding or including anything?):




Card Type:


oh and a lot of things on the listmay be avoided or it may not go good with the picture


and i'll do the rest


Note- My OCG isn't perfect but there shouldn't be a lot of errors


Waiting List:


1. 72Night

2. Slash

3. Dark Link

4. Dark Sine Sonic

5. madchorro




I need Requests, the cards I make will be below





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getting to them


Woon: I'm not changing images I said i'll find a good one, and you cannot choose the effect


(the cards are better if I think the member deserves a good card, that means anomu, i'm working realy hard on yours)


Edit: well, it worked for one card...

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Name (are you excluding or including anything?): Duelist King Ryan, the Lord of Chaos

Attribute: any

Type: any with the subtype Chaos

LVL: 12

Card Type: effect monster

holo?: any, but not required

Note: make as broken as possible, is a Nomi, and the special summon condition is removing 3 Light, 3 Dark, and 2 Envoy monsters in the graveyard

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