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Favorite video game companies besides the Big Three?


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Summon Night: Swordcraft Story is amazing. Came across it some years ago on Vizzed. Never completed it or got very far but what I did play of it stuck with me. Didnt even bother to notice that Atlus published it ;_;...


Sorry just excited. Like I said never noticed anyone ever mention even playing it. But yeah it's one of my favorites. And it actually got me interested in Atlus.

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I really like Nintendo!

Nintendo would be one of the big 3. So, it wouldn't be counted in this.

Remember kids, stay in school.

You could have just pointed out what I just. I can certainly get someone not counting Nintendo as "big" anymore based on how ignored its been and how powerless the Wii U has done.

Anyway, I don't play many games outside of Nintendo stuff, but I do quite like Valve. They do good work, even if they don't believe in the number 3.
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