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Text editing and Minor Additions



Hey, I've been a member for…two years (pretty long time, haven't been really counting) and I'm kinda new to adding forum discussions. I was wondering—if at all possible—if bullet points will be saved when making cards? I have a few cards that I wanted to make and they involve bullet points in their text.



Also, on the Card Making. It has come to my attention that the OCG/TCG had upped card texts to make them more understandable and such. Their Types have been altered, like:


“[.../Tuner]" → "[.../Tuner/Effect]

"[.../Gemini]" → "[.../Gemini/Effect]"

Flip Effect Monsters: "[.../Effect]" → "[.../Flip/Effect]"

"[.../Union]" → "[.../Union/Effect]"


I wanted to know if changes like these would also be added, to keep consistency.



Well,…that's pretty much what's on my mind…

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2 answers to this question

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Sakura Haruno has given the simplest approach. This however won't work for Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Monsters; that is because the order will become something like: "Warrior / Tuner / Synchro / Effect", where it should be "Warrior / Synchro / Tuner / Effect". If you wish to acchieve the later, I would suggest to take a look at this (old) topic. If you want to type spaces, you should replace them with plusses (+); don't ask me what is the logic behind that.


About bulleted effects, the bullet character is persumably saved in the database; it is a sequence of bits just like any other character. However the font used for effect monsters does not seem to have a glyph mapped to its character code. As a result, the character is not drawn. In order to have them show up, you will need to manually edit them using a program like Photoshop or GIMP (here you can find a a template). Otherwise use an 'unusual' character like: @, #, %. 

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Except for Normal Monsters, bullet points won't show up on cards.

Why that's so, I really don't know; probably some programming thing.


As for the subtypes, you can add them yourself; no need for the cardmaker to be changed.

Just put / Subtype afterwards.


In the case of Shaddoll Falco, just put / subtype1 / subtype2.

Much easier than having YCMaker code the generator so it works that way.


Also note that YCMaker is essentially dead in terms of activity.

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