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Ideal Banlist Harpies!


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Looks good, but maybe you could swap out a cyber lady or 2 for harpy 1, since she gives a boost to all the other harpies. Also, iirc, strix can only grab DARK winged-beasts, which means that it can't do much for harpies. And maybe take out a prophecy in favor of another queen. 

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I feel like 3 Egotist might get a bit cloggy, especially if you run out of Cyber Harpies. They're also recyclable, if you're actually activating Sign for whatever reason. Guess I'm indifferent about this since you could pitch for Monk.


+1 Zephyros? You can bounce your Signs or Fiendish Chains pretty easily.


And I feel like Transmigration is counter-intuitive to Hysteric Party, assuming, and I could be totally off, that you're recycling for Harpist's effect?

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Looks good, but maybe you could swap out a cyber lady or 2 for harpy 1, since she gives a boost to all the other harpies. Also, iirc, strix can only grab DARK winged-beasts, which means that it can't do much for harpies. And maybe take out a prophecy in favor of another queen. 

Ahh woops.

Ok, but queen is at two because she does nothing but search (Although she has nice attack) which isnt necessary because i usually have the field enough already, albeit it does also fuel channeler.



I feel like 3 Egotist might get a bit cloggy, especially if you run out of Cyber Harpies. They're also recyclable, if you're actually activating Sign for whatever reason. Guess I'm indifferent about this since you could pitch for Monk.


+1 Zephyros? You can bounce your Signs or Fiendish Chains pretty easily.


And I feel like Transmigration is counter-intuitive to Hysteric Party, assuming, and I could be totally off, that you're recycling for Harpist's effect?

Oh, wow i got the egotist ruling wrong, ok thats def going to 2.

Zeph can also bounce my chains, that could be sweeeeet.

Trans prophecy also helps muck up an opponents plans, aswell as recycling, also with 3 it means you can use two and then use the last one to shuffle the other two back in.




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Have you tried PWWB

No its not necessary, i have so many ways to ditch harpist etc, also i have tonnes of removal in my toolkit thats way faster.


Also, i might try two debunk in place of swallow's nest, swallow's nest has just been a terrible -1...

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