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Inheritance Cycle

Face McShooty

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I've read them all, at least thrice. 


The first is easily the best, after that... Well;


Eldest had a great half of a book, Roran's stuff was absolutely fantastic, but Eragon's left so much to be desired. As in it was so dull (Nice for the background), but so little happened, that if it weren't for Roran being well Roran, I'd never have finished it. 


Brisngr was a tad better, but it felt like very little happened in it relative to the stuff he had left to cover. He could easily have put so much more vital stuff into this one, and solve one of the issues with Inheritance. Decent enough plot twists throughout it, which kept things kinda interesting. 


Inheritance is probably the worst of them, I'll just briefly sum my issues up in a spoiler; 


It's predictable to a T. Literally, I can not think of a single major event in the book that you couldn't guess from the off. 

It suffers from such odd pacing - It rushes it's way towards the climax... Which then gets resolved surprisingly quickly, but you still have a 3rd of a book to go essentially. And that 3rd covers so little stuff in trying to wrap up the story. 

It doesn't address as much as it byrights should. Paoloni set up so much stuff in the story that he just doesn't resolve properly, or rushes. Which is kinda sad.



I have issues with the actual plot choices, but I shan't discuss them for risk of spoilers. There's nothing majorly spoily in my spoiler, but I didn't want to take any risks. 


I think the saddest thing about the series is that despite it's great premise, and start... It really doesn't have much origionality. You can see he's taken so much from other sources, and it's sad because he's didn't need to. And it's left things kinda cliche sadly. I still like the series, it's just a bit sad. 

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You know, I read Eragon, but I have to say it strikes me as many of the problems with fantasy that had been pointed out beforehand by other authors. It's basic, it's linear, and it feels like a chore to read. You can tell that the author is inexperienced because the world feels the same. It's sadly become the taste of today's audiences. This is because people want to think there's a brand new look at the genre before them, but it's all the same.

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