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Star vs the Forces of Evil


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Just found out about this show's existence a good half an hour ago. Only the pilot has been released so far (2 days ago from the moment of making this thread). Perfect to follow it from the starting point and see where it goes (if anywhere).
Honestly, I haven't had the greatest of expectations of Disney for a while, with all the crap they'd come up over the course of the last decade for their channel.... Though after Gravity Falls, I'm willing to try. Personally I liked this pilot. 
What are your thoughts impressions (if any)?
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From the looks of things it seems a like the standard moron-good-guy triumphs over evil somehow but with a female lead.  Which is cool.

To be fair, she actually does know what she is doing... A decent percentage of the time.
Problem is, nobody else is from the same magical-area that she is from.
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  • 3 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Although watching cartoons, or anime for that matter, is not one of my top hobbies and I seldom do so, after seeing this series being mentioned a couple of times by fellow YCMers, and stumbling upon a short commentary on it in a random youtuber video, I became interested on it. About 2~3 weeks ago I finally watched it until episode 9, and I want to say that I really liked it. I found it funny with all the randomness and silliness going around, and in a couple of instances it made me laugh like no other cartoon has done in a long time (then again, I don't watch many cartoons nowadays so I have little to compare Star with when it comes to funny series). Personally, the first 2 episodes were the ones that made me laugh/chuckle the most. The following episodes were funny too, but once I got a feel on the series and the dynamics between the main characters, I more or less began to anticipate or foresee the shenanigans, so it became less surprising. But that doesn't make them any less good; besides, when Star is involved, you can never fully know what's coming next, and that keeps things exciting.


Speaking of Star, she is such a lovely character and in my opinion an amazing lead/protagonist.

Regarding Marco, well... he actually was among the reasons I became interested in the show: it should be obvious from his name that he has mexican or otherwise latino american roots, so I was curious to see if he was stacked with mexican/latino references or stereotypes as an attempt of making the series more funny. I was glad to see that he was not portrayed that way, and aside his name and a couple of references here and there, he could very well pass as an non-latino american boy. However... a part of me wishes there was a bit more of latino flavor (so to speak) on him, if only as a nod for the latino american countries and communities. For instance...


- Speaking Spanish, or a least understanding it, since it appears that he doesn't, judging from his conversation with Ferguson during the Spanish class in episode 6-1.



Another thing that has me impressed is Star's voice: when I first looked at her I imagined she would the voice of a kid or young girl; you know, a high-pitched voice. But instead she sounds more like a teenager that she is, and it works really well.

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  • 9 months later...

Almost a year after the last post of this thread, it is time to revive this place.
I made a bit of digging a little while ago and Star vs the Forces of Evil should be back with its second season on next month's 11th if I read right (according to wikipedia xD )

There's also a very small teaser. This is the only video of it I could find so far that actually contains it. It's 35 seconds long but only 10 or so of them are the actual teaser, and there's no real info said other than "it is coming".

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  • 1 month later...

May as well drop my thoughts on the latest episode, to contribute with activity on this thread:


[spoiler=] I liked the first episode. I ship Star + Marco, so I enjoyed how this episode sort of implies Star having feelings towards Marco given her "deep down" reaction when he was about to read the journal's entry.


The 2nd episode, I didn't like the beginning to be honest: the "existential" approach they went for was too silly for my liking, and I found Ludo being constantly harassed by the eagle and the environment as pathetic and embarrassing rather than funny; basically I felt bad for him. I started to enjoy the episode once it took a survival vibe, specifically after Ludo actually enjoyed the bug leftovers he ate, which got me a laugh; I suppose my sense of humor is a bit weird, heh.

A couple of mysteries that arose from this episode are:

- The star piece Ludo finds was already assembled as a wand (encrusted on a rock and an skeletal arm as hilt), and clearly it was setup for Ludo to find it. Who did this and why?

- The 2nd episode has this journal-ish thing going on of "Day 45", Day 90", and so on. My questions are: are these canon or have continuity with the series? I mean, did 90 days actually went through since the destruction of the wand? Can't wait to see the next episode to find out.


By the way, who else noticed the sootball-ish necklace Star was wearing during the first episode? Cannot but wonder if it was an intentional nod to Spirited Away, or merely a coincidence.


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Finished watching it about half an hour ago.


So, it seems they went for some character development on this pair of episodes. I had mixed feelings towards the first one: while I ship Star x Marco, couldn't but feel a bit bad for Tom after he learned and accepted the relationship lessons. As Marco himself said, he is "not so bad", and is trying to improve with the whole thing about relationships. At this point I wouldn't mind if Star gave him another chance in the future.

I found the beginning of the second episode awkward because it shows us Marco's uncertainty or doubts towards his future, and that's something I believe most of us have wondered at some point of our lives. The episode got funny for me once Marco started fighting the video store guy.


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[spoiler= Just binged the whole thing from S1 EP1] It fits in the Magical Girl genre but I definitely don't see much "Sailor Moon" here, reminds me much more of "Adventure Time" but better. Either way, pretty enjoyable series. Some episodes left me with a "Wtf" and "Why" face not because of randomness (that too sometimes), but more along the lines of choices the characters make. But I just had to remember they're kids and this is a kid's show.... despite jokes like "Your mother is a horse". Other episodes left me in a laughing fit like "Mewberty" ("SCRAPE THE SIDES!") and "Ludo in the Wild". The latter is by far my favorite episode.


I initially couldn't stand Star's voice. First episode I actually thought she was narrating and introducing herself from like 10 years ago. Sometimes she sounds like a kid/teen, other times I just hear a woman in her mid 20s (which she kinda is). I eventually got use to it toward the end of S1. Star herself is actually pretty cool and a very nice female protagonist. I found that most people promote this show due to its Gender Equality and I pretty much agree. Freedom, Equality and Expression of Self are recurring themes.


Marco being the overall "voice of reason" is nice. Him being able to fight is better. Usually with these shows it's usually the Protagonist and their non-combative sidekick. He and Star work well off each other. I'm also very interested in potentially love interests for Marco. I'm perfectly fine with "Starco" (hey, they acknowledged its existence, not me) happening or not happening, but I'm actually more interested in that creepy witch girl that seems to like him. Then again there's also the Marco section in Star's Journal that made her to "dig deep".


Other characters seem so-so. Marco's friends are okay, but they have that weird "let's hold hands" thing going on (Too much quirk). And his Parents? What Parents? I think Timmy Turner's Parents were more involved. Marco's current love interest is flat, just "skateboard chick" to me. I actually enjoy the villains much more than them. But on that note, I love how they give the villains character, and allowed the teacher to stay a troll and eventually embrace what she's become - not just being running gags. Small things like that make me enjoy this show that much more.



I could go on and on, but this a very down-to-earth show that I'll continue watching.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 4:23 PM, asterr259 said:

[spoiler= Just binged the whole thing from S1 EP1] It fits in the Magical Girl genre but I definitely don't see much "Sailor Moon" here, reminds me much more of "Adventure Time" but better. Either way, pretty enjoyable series. Some episodes left me with a "Wtf" and "Why" face not because of randomness (that too sometimes), but more along the lines of choices the characters make. But I just had to remember they're kids and this is a kid's show.... despite jokes like "Your mother is a horse". Other episodes left me in a laughing fit like "Mewberty" ("SCRAPE THE SIDES!") and "Ludo in the Wild". The latter is by far my favorite episode.


I initially couldn't stand Star's voice. First episode I actually thought she was narrating and introducing herself from like 10 years ago. Sometimes she sounds like a kid/teen, other times I just hear a woman in her mid 20s (which she kinda is). I eventually got use to it toward the end of S1. Star herself is actually pretty cool and a very nice female protagonist. I found that most people promote this show due to its Gender Equality and I pretty much agree. Freedom, Equality and Expression of Self are recurring themes.


Marco being the overall "voice of reason" is nice. Him being able to fight is better. Usually with these shows it's usually the Protagonist and their non-combative sidekick. He and Star work well off each other. I'm also very interested in potentially love interests for Marco. I'm perfectly fine with "Starco" (hey, they acknowledged its existence, not me) happening or not happening, but I'm actually more interested in that creepy witch girl that seems to like him. Then again there's also the Marco section in Star's Journal that made her to "dig deep".


Other characters seem so-so. Marco's friends are okay, but they have that weird "let's hold hands" thing going on (Too much quirk). And his Parents? What Parents? I think Timmy Turner's Parents were more involved. Marco's current love interest is flat, just "skateboard chick" to me. I actually enjoy the villains much more than them. But on that note, I love how they give the villains character, and allowed the teacher to stay a troll and eventually embrace what she's become - not just being running gags. Small things like that make me enjoy this show that much more.



I could go on and on, but this a very down-to-earth show that I'll continue watching.



Glad you liked it Aster. With Gravity Falls done, this is my current personal running fav. Though I have the feeling it isn't as widely known as one would expect from Disney's shows. 

I did see a single Star cosplayer on Saturday (San Diego Comic Con). I've wanted to post fanart of her for a while but 2 tries haven't turned up good enough for uploads... *shrugs*





Anyways, Here's today's episodes (5 and 6 are on different videos though):






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I'm sure you'll come up with something eventually. Just have to... "dip down"~ ...No? *leaves*


Also note Roxas' enforcing of not posting illegal sites, unless toonova is legal. Though personally I don't care...


Seeing as how Ep.3 was more randomish, I wanted to talk about thoughts and theories on Ludo's Wand and Toffee. I'm pretty sure Toffee will be back everything seemed like it was going according to his plan. Unless that was the dying smile of someone who knows he was bested. Plus he has that weird regeneration thing. Also I don't think Ludo's Wand really put itself together, prior to it was just Star's missing piece, a rock, and a bone. Really seems like someone put it together and wanted him to find it.

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  On 7/31/2016 at 12:22 AM, asterr259 said:

I'm sure you'll come up with something eventually. Just have to... "dip down"~ ...No? *leaves*


Also note Roxas' enforcing of not posting illegal sites, unless toonova is legal. Though personally I don't care...


Seeing as how Ep.3 was more randomish, I wanted to talk about thoughts and theories on Ludo's Wand and Toffee. I'm pretty sure Toffee will be back everything seemed like it was going according to his plan. Unless that was the dying smile of someone who knows he was bested. Plus he has that weird regeneration thing. Also I don't think Ludo's Wand really put itself together, prior to it was just Star's missing piece, a rock, and a bone. Really seems like someone put it together and wanted him to find it.



I remember Roxas had an argument with Astro Dude regarding that I forget at what thread. Astro's reason was just that he didn't want to use those sites because he didn't feel like it.

I genuinely cannot watch some of those legal sites from my country since they only work in the US. If I can find a legal way to send links about the show, I'm all for it though. As it is, I have trouble finding a place to watch them at all and my internet sometimes doesn't even wanna load them either.


I think Toffee is still up to something. He had too much of an unresolved air of mystery around him and seemed to have everything under his expectation. He definitely is not dead. One of the indicators is how despite the explosion, his hanger where he put on his suit was virtually unscratched along with his tie and coat.


I have questions about the wand right now. Glossarick seemed to imply the wand is just like the spoon trying to grab meat in the cauldron, as in, helping the wielder bring out magic, but after the wielder gets used to it and matures, they are taught the next stage of bringing out their inner magic without it, which apparently the wand is both a basic enable and a limiter. That said, the explosion the wand created when it was destroyed.... I wonder what exactly was it from. 


Oh, and I find it interesting that Star actually dipped down during Storm the Castle, and Toffee realized it.






The wand, I wonder how Ludo's is gonna work. Star's seems to work with the star-shaped stone as the central catalyst, plus the small unicorn giving it magic, plus the bottom battery stone helping preserve the unicorn, plus the user's inner magic. Ludo's doesn't seem to have some of the pieces.

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^Episodes 9/10 of the season.


I think there's only 2 to 3 more weeks worth of episodes by now this season.

I'm starting to see what Toffee's end goal was. Mewnindependence day's episode showed an exaggerated imbalance between monsters and Mewnies. Today's second episode built up from that situation. I have an idea on how Mewni is gonna change by the end of the series, in a way that is more fair for the monsters and has Star not enslaved to her throne. 

It's not even just the monsters but also the regular citizens are dirt poor from what I saw that one time Star took Marco's parents on tour.

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