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Thomas the Weed Engine [Burning U.A.s post-SECE]


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2x Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

2x Graff, Malebrance of the Burning Abyss

2x Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

3x Tour Guide From the Underworld

2x U.A. Blockbacker

3x U.A. Midfielder

3x U.A. Perfect Ace

3x U.A. Slugger



2x Feast of the Wild LV5

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Terraforming

2x Monarchs Stormforth

3x U.A. Stadium

2x U.A. Winning Tactics



2x Breakthrough Skill

2x Call of the Haunted

1x Solemn Warning



1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

1x Artifact Durendal

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

3x Donte, Traveller of the Burning Abyss

1x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1x Ghostrick Alucard

1x M-X-Saber Invoker

1x Mechquipped Angineer

1x Number 61: Volcasaurus

1x Number 85: Heartlandraco

1x Shark Fortress

1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines





2x Maxx "C"

2x Skull Meister

1x Dimensional Fissure

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Spell-Shattering Arrow

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2x Ojama Trio

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

1x Soul Drain


Also, can anyone please explain to me why everyone runs Powered Jersey?  I might find space if there is a compelling-enough argument other than the "Slugger Kills Everything With It" argument.

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I like Jersey because it has its powerful use on the field but because you don't necessarily need it you can discard it for Ace as necessary.

That said, with BAs you don't have to worry about the discard part so if you want to run Jersey you'd probably only need 1.

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I like Jersey because it has its powerful use on the field but because you don't necessarily need it you can discard it for Ace as necessary.

That said, with BAs you don't have to worry about the discard part so if you want to run Jersey you'd probably only need 1.


Ah.  I was wondering why people ran that card, since it has a pretty high chance of dead drawing in an already inconsistent Deck.  But yeah, I really don't need it when I have Farfa for the fangs and stuff.

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Might be a really late reply, but Jersey's used to end games ASAP since it's after all, a card that OTKs easily when used with Slugger. UA's plays, however interesting it is, would simply fall down to the relentless assault of the other deck's strategy, hence the ability to close game as soon as they could is valuable.


The reward of it being a wincon outweighs the risk, though Jersey-using builds usually run triple trap stun.


Jersey aside, build looks solid enough. Wasn't a fan of triple farfa until I realize you didn't run Cir.

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