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Pokemon Format Idea.


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So ive been finding recently that pokemon has become "Run EX's and win" which kinda sucks, and since there are only so many EX's of certain types in each set, it throws the fun gimmick aspect of pokemon away...

So, I thought of something.



5 EX's per deck MAX

If side decks are being used, 20 is the max and minimum number they can be, and side decks HAVE to be used is official matches.

The player that loses a round can force an opponent to switch out a card (and all cards with the same name) from their deck with one from their side deck when they are about to start siding - this should break any broken loops that dont bubble up for very long.


Other rules can be added.






Uxie - http://pokemonspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Pokemon-Diamond-Pearl-Legends-Awakened-Single-Card-Uxie-43-Rare-Toy-0-210x210.jpgThis is stupid :P


Vs Seeker - Lysandre's trump card and other loops are ridiculous.


Kangashkan - A generic searcher in this format would in theory move the whole point of making gimmicky decks around.




Lysandre's Trump Card


All EX's




These are just things that immediately pop to mind.


Im gonna test this out at school and stuff to see how it works aswell.

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