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Get the YCM Network

Just Crouton

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It was a good idea in theory, the issue was having to rely on others to actually produce content. 

As a result I've now realized that live streaming would work as a better content-platform, hosting a 1-3 hour long stream on the weekend in which we just get whoever is available and we just do shit. Like play games for a bit, discuss shit in a pod-cast like manor, design shit, play more games, etc.


Tormfuck and I pretty much play games and shit on the weekend anyway, might as well stream it. And the podcast that was running for a bit was successful for the most part. 

Could be dope. 

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It was a good idea in theory, the issue was having to rely on others to actually produce content. 

As a result I've now realized that live streaming would work as a better content-platform, hosting a 1-3 hour long stream on the weekend in which we just get whoever is available and we just do s***. Like play games for a bit, discuss s*** in a pod-cast like manor, design s***, play more games, etc.


Tormf*** and I pretty much play games and s*** on the weekend anyway, might as well stream it. And the podcast that was running for a bit was successful for the most part. 

Could be dope. 


This actually sounds like a fun idea for sure. Assuming Tormey doesn't call me mean names during it like he does, I would love to see it happen sometime! A podcast, game playing shit, other assorted things thing would be pretty cool.


And yeah, it was a good idea in theory, but... it's not easy to actually produce the content for a lot of people. I understand that. x-x

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obv you all bring this back and run an hour long program about ycm and dogs


Sounds like a fabulous idea in my completely unbiased opinion!


That intro vid is really cool though. Had not seen it before.


But really, $10 a month to watch YCM stuff? Good luck getting anyone to pay $2 a month. But if it ever did get going with stuff... well who knows.

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tbf Night deserved the majority of it


I'd be down to be in s*** I just don't have the time or effort to host s*** on a regular basis with my bad net, if I got good net I'd just stream everything.


The podcast was a decent idea but I was basically running the show with no one ever talking, and when someone did it was almost always on my prompt not the everyone else was boring I just don't think anyone had any idea what they are doing, on other notes I'd be down to "co-run" the ycmnetwork with someone else but I cba having everyone expect s*** from me when I really have barely any energy to do unenergetic s***.


The biggest issue with doing s*** on reg basis is actually have people produce s***, the twitch idea could also be uploaded to youtube with highlights and the podcast can be once a fortnight event or some s***.


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