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Minato Sakai

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@Above: Why would you not run triple Manju triple Senju? Manju and Senju are 10/10 must plays since all your actually good cards are Ritual Monsters or Shrit, and you can't search Shrit but you can literally search any Ritual.


@OP: I would run triple Shrit triple RotA and just cut Archmage. Ok more seriously, 3 of both isn't always necessary but you should have more ways to just grab Shrit. I would also run 1 more Trishula and 1 less Valkyrus but aside from that Ritual lineups for Necloth are pretty mutable so it's preferential. There are other possible suggestions I have (RItual Spell lineup, Spell lineup, et cetera) but really Necloth are pretty easy to pilot and TCG has no good defensive Traps other than Emptiness so you should be okay.


... Oh yeah you still fold to Emptiness. I would definitely reconsider the lack of MD MST. If I were to give more advice I'd be building the deck for you and neither of us wants that, so that's about it.


EDIT: I suppose Dark Hole beats Emptiness ... sometimes ... , but still...

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valkyrus is the main boss of the deck. trishula isnt needed are more than one. since the deck has a lot of ways of searching and unicore and cycle can grab it from the graveyard. the deck doesnt need rota and shritt has worked fine at 2. emptiness isnt much of a problem right now. if the opponent is running it i can side on game 2.

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First off


-3 Max C. 

-1 Phantom of Chaos (why is this even here? ._.)


You need ROTAs. Searches Shrit and Clausolas.


Clausolas should be @2, its monster effect isn't that bad, and its hand effect is absolutely fantastic.


You have Raigeki, you don't need Dark Hole, the rest of your stuff should easily be able to get rid of everything else.


Side or main 3x Vanity. It wins the mirror match (as does the Djinn, but the Djinn also harms consistency).


Running 2 Nekroz Cycle is really iffy

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maxx c is for game 1 against nekroz shaddoll and burning abyss.

phantom of chaos is a tech. it can copy what i send with kalediomirror. barbaroid negates the effects of the monsters it battles so it gets over floaters. rainbow neos can get rid of all monsters my opponent contorls without triggering them.

3 rota and more than 1 clausolas are fine if youre only playing on dn or ygopro. the deck doesnt need them.

dark hole is fr getting rid of established fields. valkyrus stops otks and you need to be able to get rid of whatever your opponent has.

emptiness is slow and it harm consistency too.

i might go for 3 kaleidomirror, 2 exomirror and 1 cycle.

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added hidden armory to the main as a tech. snatch steal wins games and is great for the qlip match. made some changes to the side. dropped 1 of each hand for fairy winds. 


about not maining msts. maxx c and mst are interchangeable. you main maxx c if you want an easier mirror and ba match. you main msts if your afraid of qlips during game 1. 

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Hmm, with your reasoning for Phantom of Chaos, I'm curious. How does it perform in practice so far?

its for late game. it can copy things like arc light, quasar, barbaroid, and rainbow neos. its just a tech. as for testing, i havent been able to do much. most people quit as soon as they see a nekroz.

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