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D.D. Deck(Macro Deck)


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Monster Cards(20):


2x D.D. Survivor

3x Bazoo the Soul-Eater

2x Gren Maju Da Eiza

3x Banisher of the Radiance

3x D.D. Scout Plane

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Banisher of the Light

1x Caius The Shadow Monarch

1x Dimensional Alchemist

1x D.D. Assailant

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Diskblade Rider


Spell Cards(10):

1x Swords of Revealing Light

2x Gravekeeper's Servant

1x Soul Absorption

1x Card Destruction

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Mass Driver

2x D.D.R.- Different Dimension Reincarnation



Trap Cards(10):


1x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Dimensional Prison

3x Macro Cosmos

1x Magic Jammer

1x Mirror Force


Side Deck:


Monster Cards(8):


1x Exiled Force

1x Chaosrider Gustaph

1x D.D. Survivor

1x D.D. Warrior

1x D.D. Guide

1x D.D.M.- Different Dimension Master

2x D.D. Crow


Spell Cards(3):


1x Brain Control

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Grand Convergence


Trap Cards(4):


1x By Order Of The Emperor

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Draining Shield

1x Macro Cosmos


Edited as of Friday, April 10,2008(4/11/08)


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Total: 54


Monster Cards(19):


2x D.D. Survivor

D.D. Warrior Lady

2x D.D. Crazy Beast

2x D.D. Scout Plane

2x D.D. Crow

2x D.D. Guide

D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master

2x Gren Maju Da Eiza

Banisher of the Light

Banisher of the Radiance

Lesser Fiend

Bazoo the Soul-Eater

Dark Magician of Chaos


Spell Cards(17):


Dimensional Fissure

Dimension Fusion

2x Grand Convergence

Soul Absorption

2x Gravekeeper's Servant

Card Destruction

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mass Driver

Soul Absorption

2x Dimension Distortion (Replace this with DDR when it comes out)

D.D. Designator

D.D. Borderline

Magical Mallet

Spell Economics


Trap Cards(18):


2x Dimensional Prison

2x Return from the Different Dimension

3x D.D. Dynamite

3x Macro Cosmos

Graverobber's Retribution

Mirror Force

Dark Mirror Force

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x D.D. Trap Hole

Dimension Wall


Comments' date=' Tweaks? let me know?



the ones ive bolded are the ones you should remove... its only a suggestion

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D.D. Designator is pro when you have no cards that let you look at your opponent's hand and no cards that bounce or spin cards.


Dimension Wall is pro outside of burn.


D.D. Trap Hole is - you know what, I'm just going to advise you to not add cards to the deck just because they have "Dimension" or "D.D." in the name.

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no, it has some flaws as my point of view... i'll check it:



Monster Cards(21):


2x D.D. Survivor --> one more

2x Bazoo the Soul-Eater

2x Gren Maju Da Eiza -->dunno...

2x Banisher of the Radiance

3x D.D. Scout Plane

D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Guide --> out

D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master

Banisher of the Light -->trade this for another banisher of radiance

Lesser Fiend --> out

Caius The Shadow Monarch --> add more

Dimensional Alchemist --> maybe another one

Golden Homunculus --> no, slow one...

D.D. Assailant --> more!!

Dark Magician of Chaos


Spell Cards(11):


2x Grand Convergence

2x Gravekeeper's Servant --> no, thanks

Dimension Fusion

Soul Absorption --> no, out

Card Destruction

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mass Driver --> out

Dimension Distortion --> no, out

Spell Economics


Trap Cards(13):


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Dimensional Prison

2x Macro Cosmos

3x D.D. Dynamite --> out!!!

Mirror Force

Dark Mirror Force --> out!!

Return from the Different Dimension --> one more!!

D.D. Trap Hole --> out!!



the "out" ones are not good as support, change them... have you consider adding D.D.R.??

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okay orochi your nuts. The DD Dynomites are awesome in that deck, trust me, I know Hinote and Ive faced him. Same with teh Mass Driver.


Also the Gravekeepers stop attacks. Its a lock with macro or banisher.


The soul absorbtion is amazing in the deck. in like 4 turns he went up 20000 LP against me. again 20k LPS!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Newly updated the list, lowered the deck count by quite a bit, tomorrow i am taking it for a test drive at my local tourney to see how it runs....so any last changes i should make or good as is?


and if most of you dont already know the reasons for the gravekeeper's servants is because its a lock down on my opponent if i have Macro/Banisher R/banisher L(they cant declare an attack)


the mass driver combined with macro offering D.D. Survivor's/D.D. Scout Plane's does a constant set of damage during each of my turns since they revive at end of each of my turns still keeping my defense up


the mass driver is also an OTK with DMOC, Dimension Fusion and Spell Economics


and for those of you who didnt read Soul Absorption well enough, any time a card is sent Removed from play i gain 500, which means its not 5 cards removed from play=500 its 5 cards removed from play=2500, and its also my opponents cards not only mine so with things like grand convergence(A.K.A. the RFG Dark Hole with added bonus of 300 damage as long as macro is out) or card destruction, i constantly gain life points as cards go to the RFG pile hence how Devilmaycry4life earlier said i hit 20k life points in 4 turns, its because i pulled things like card destruction on full hands that were worth being sent to the RFG Pile or Grand convergence, when their was full field of monsters worth being sent to the RFG pile

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Life Points mean nothing.




Run 3 Caius, 3 Thestalos, and 1 Raiza. Pure D.D. isn't so great. (3 Caius at the very least)


Grand Convergence is bad because it is unreliable. YOu need to draw into Macro Cosmos at the time.


D.D. Dynamite isn't that great. Life Points don't matter until they hit 0. Dynamite can do damage, but it rarely OTK's your opponent. (And Graverobber's Retribution is better anyway if you're not planning on a burn OTK, it's continuous, but only does 1/3 damage.)


Yes, Servant makes the lock, but why should that matter? You should be playing aggressively, this isn't a burn deck.

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  • 1 year later...

I have mad many decks and some how from a spellcaster to a dragon to a spellcaster and dragon, fairy, water and destiny hero decks I came to a D.D. Deck and I have found this deck to be very effective even with some of the cards listed to be removed. At the moment I use 5 different decks but I am aiming to my D.D. Deck more because it runs everything out faster, though I know many of the cards in the deck are tournament illegal I have not been able to find a site with a list of the cards I need to take out and I am willing to take suggestions.


High Level Monsters


Gandora the Dragon of Destruction x2

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Begining

Chaos Sorcerer

Cauis the Shadow Monarch

Lesser Fiend

The Fiend Megacyber

Divine Knight Ishzark

Gandora the Dragon of Destruction

D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master


Low Level Monsters


Dimensional Alchemist x2

Bazoo The Soul-Eater x2

Banisher of the Radiance x2

D. D. Assailant x2

Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x2

D.D. Warrior

Lady Assailant of Flames

D.D. Crow

Banisher of the Light

D.D. Survivor

D.D. Guide

Gren Maju Da Eiza


Spell/Magic Cards


Spirit Elimination x2

Dimensional Fissure x2

Primal Seed

Dimension Fusion

Dark Core

Swords of Revealing Light

Chaos Greed

Mystical Space Typhoon

Soul Absorption

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

Chaos End

Dimension Distortion


Trap Cards


Interdimensional Matter Transporter x2

Needlebug Nest

Escape from the Dark Dimension

D.D. Dynamite

Exchange of the Spirit

Return From The Different Dimension

D.D. Trap Hole

Graverobber's Retribution


Some cards I have been looking at that I think might come into use here are:


Fiend Comedian

Skull Lair

Gravekeeper's Servant

Dimension Wall

Dimension Explosion << Need to figure out a fusion I can use

Different Dimension Capsule

Domino Effect

Mirror Force << Have to take it out of my original deck

Dark Necrofear << Not sure if its legal anymore but it seemed like a ok card


Please keep in mind I only run 50 card decks, no less and no more (excluding extra deck) I am willing to take tips and if anyone is interested in hearing about how my other decks are comeing along feel free to ask

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