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[Leaderboard] 2D Sage vs Grandmaster of Darkness

Nathanael D. Striker

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Leaderboard rules apply.
First to 3 votes or most votes by January 14th, 11:59PM PST wins.
All voters must elaborate on their votes.
Both contestants and myself have the right to refuse votes, but must explain why they don't accept it.
-Written cards are allowed. (Must be in written format, cards with blank pictures are not acceptable)
-The winner gets a rep from the loser.
-All voters get a rep for voting.
Card A

When your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) or activates the effect of a card that would Special Summon a monster(s) after they have Special Summoned 3 or monsters this turn, pay 1000 Life Points; Negate the activation or Summon of the card(s) and destroy it. Neither player can conduct their Battle Phase during the turn you activate this card.


Card B

When 2 or more monsters are Special Summoned at the same time: Negate the effects of those monsters, and they cannot be Tributed. You can only activate 1 "Suspended Animation" per turn. During either player's turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; This turn, when a Pendulum Monster returns to the Extra Deck, banish it instead.

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Vote for card B


Card A is too situational. Your opponent needs to have Special Summoned 3 monsters for you to be able to use. In competitive play, smart players would stop after the third Special Summon to get around this, like when people waited a turn to use the effect of a Special Summoned monster when TTHN was used.


Card B is pretty bad too. It's bad against most Pendulum decks (Qlips, Vanilla, DDDs) because they can just beat over you. It doesn't do anything against Soul Charge or other mass Special Summoning cards, because your opponent can just Xyz/Synchro. Same thing for Rescue Rabbit. There really isn't to run this instead of Torrential Tribute/Bottomless Trap Hole. The Graveyard effect is pretty decent, but its too weak to actually do anything. 


Honestly, both are pretty bad, but my vote goes to Card B, because Card A is too situational and easy to play around.

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Card A:

A cheaper Solemn Warning but your opponent Special Summoning more than 3 monsters in the same turn won't happen often. Well, depending on the opposing deck, of course; it will be live against Synchros, and rarely BAs and Shaddolls; but I don't see it working well against Qlips, who usually drop 2 Special Summons per turn if I remember correctly, and against less spammy decks.


Card B:

An anti-Pendulum card that appears to be designed to counter Qliphorts. The problem is that it won't stop the monsters from becoming Synchro or Xyz Material. It may be enough to stun Qlips but in against other decks it won't be as effective; and even against Qlips, it won't stop the Pendulum monsters from attacking. The second effect looks decent, but because of its wording, you will have to use it before the opponent Tributes or Synchro Summons with the Pendulum monsters, and upon the banishment of this, the opponent can simply choose to not use its Pendulums as fodder for the rest of the turn. However, it can still be used offensively while attacking or destrying Pendulums.



I vote for Card A. Its condition is difficult to fulfill, but it should work well against spam decks such as Synchrons, so at the very least, it is a side-Deck card against them. Card B is more of an anti-Pendulum card, but there should be better options to counter Pendulums than this.

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Card B doesn't seem to ever be useful outside of its grave effect.Generally things are either summoned in rapid succession (e.g. Satellar), or a whole lot of things are summoned at the same time with the intention of either using them as material, or doing heavy beatdown with them. This prevents neither of those. Against Qli specifcially, the fact that it negates their effects means that they are stronger beaters than they would be without it.


Card A has a hard condition to actually use in the general case, but is strong against almost any non-pendulum deck that wants to swarm for days and then OTK. Its condition is also met after a pendulum summon of 3+ monsters, since it specifies how many monsters must be summoned, not how many times special summons must be performed.


Since Card A is hard to use but has a niche where it is efficient, while Card B seems to only do anything against Pendulums, and to have only moderate effectiveness even then, Vote Card A.



One other thing I'd like to point out: Kamiki Sekai votes for card B under the premise that a smart player could avoid card A by not going past the third SS. I would say that this is working the the favor of card A. I know that I have lost games for fear of overcommiting into a certain card, when that card had not been drawn and I could have OTK'd, but I knew my opponent ran that card at three. The threat of the card was enough to stall me long enough for my opponent to get the upper hand. A situational card that has presence even when it isn't in play is a strong card indeed.

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One of the main limiting factors in a Counter Trap lies in its activation condition. If it can trigger on and respond to almost anything, it's almost a one-way-trip to the List. If its conditions are way too narrow, nobody would use it.


Card A

Right, then. Needing your opponent to Special Summon 3 monsters before it can trigger almost means they've set up what they need to do and are about to swing with something fearsome anyway. The condition is somewhat comparable to Summon Breaker, which counts any form of Summon and forcibly ends the turn once they hit 3 Summons - usually the result of someone performing a basic Synchro/Xyz Summon. If this card could trigger on Summon #3, it would work similarly, but also deal with what's coming up and halt the Battle Phase in case other attackers are coming. As it stands right now, it's potent, but acts a little too late.


Card B

2 or more monsters being SS'd together is hard to pull off without a Pendulum gimmick. The immediate idea comes to using them against Qliphorts which love to SS their Tribute fodder, so blocking that off would prevent a Disk sweep. The problem comes in negating their effects, since it would mean the Qliphorts get set to their base stats as a "refund" and beat you over the head as a show of thanks. The second effect might be neat anti-Pendulum tech, but the opponent will see it coming and put them back in the Extra Deck in a way that can't be responded to - that includes Tributing or using the Pendulums for Synchro Summons.


The Verdict

Let's end this, since I can't take Card C - I vote for Card A since it actually does something when it goes off. Card B is a bit too ineffectual in both its aspects when it tries to deal with what it wants to work against.

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