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Burning Abyss (Post-SECE)


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What I'm trying out currently.  Only missing 5 cards (3 Downerd and 2 Good & Evils) and I'll have this IRL.


Monsters: 19

3 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

3 Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

3 Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

2 Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

2 Rubric, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss

3 Tour Guide from the Underworld

2 Mathematician

1 Black Luster soldier-Envoy of the Beginning


Spells: 8

3 Good & Evil in the Burning Abyss

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Foolish Burial

1 Allure of Darkness


Traps: 13

3 Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss

3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3 Vanity's Emptiness

2 Karma Cut

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Solemn Warning


Extra Deck: 15

3 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss

2 Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss

3 Downerd Magician

2 Number 47: Nightmare Shark

1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1 Number 20: Giga Brilliant

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

1 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Ghostrick Alucard


Trying out Good & Evil for it's secondary effect, not the Ritual Summon.  

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Depends on what kind of build you wanna go for tbh.

farfa and libic are definitely worth running if your trying to speedily OTK.

Cagna is worth running, dumps Good and Evil.

Mathematician is pretty bad isnt it? Just means you cant summon anything the turn you use it, and the benfits arent that good, you'd be better off just trying to Summon using their (1) effs and then going dante for mill, and then having cagna for extra consistency to pull off more effs from hand.

UNLESS, you run libic and use mathman to dump it and summon another from hand and then xyz, that works.


Im not very good at BA, so these are really just what ive seen so far, sorry if its not accurate.

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Allure is bad.

Don't run it.


I don't know what to replace it with though.

I know this isnt great either, but Ive seen some people run 1-2 "Beginning of the End".




I know that this is really weird, but this is what i imagine it should look like sorta. Im really not an expert but its just for ideas :/

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Could be pro and swap BLS, 1 Good and Evil, and 1 Phoenix wing for 3 Upstart


PWWB is a 3-of card tbh.


Yeah, you really wouldnt need 3 GaE with 1-2 cagna, and BLS is a bit of a weird one anyways.


Banish Dante/Virgil for BLS, since they're LIGHTs.




If anything I'd drop the Mathematicians and Allure for Upstarts.

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PWWB is a 3-of card tbh.

Banish Dante/Virgil for BLS, since they're LIGHTs.
If anything I'd drop the Mathematicians and Allure for Upstarts.

Problem is that bls is dead half of the early game and even more dead milled, the two most likely places it will be.
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