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[Interest Check] Age of the Kōdona


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Recollection . . .


Loading Memory . . .


Data Analyzed.  Load Complete.  Memory Playback . . .



When you look into a mirror, what do you see?


“A reflection.”


Really?  Is that all?  A reflection of what?


“Myself, the things around me.”


So then, you can’t see through it?


“Hmm?  No, I suppose not.”


Then you’re missing the bigger picture.


“What do you mean?”


There have always been theories of other worlds.  Other universes.  Other planes of existence.  Where I come from, those theories . . .aren’t theories.  They actually exist.  But you have to acknowledge them.


“Where you come from?   Acknowledge . . .whom exactly?”


Not whom.  What.  The Zwei Handlers.   You see, in every mirror, there is a different world.


“What?  That seems unlikely.  In fact—hey wait a second!  Are you suggesting that you’re—“


From the other side.  I’ve observed humans for a long period of time.  You can be a very wily, crafty, and on occasion, intelligent species.  You seem to ponder whether or not you’re truly alone.  Here is your answer.


“Then you’re . . .a Zwei Handler?”


No, not I.  But I am not from your world.  I’ve simply taken on an appearance that would be tolerable to your species.  The Zwei Handlers are the single most powerful species currently known in existence.  They alone control our interconnected universes.


“They control me?”


No, no.  You misunderstand.  They control the connections.  The mirrors.  


“So whenever I look into a mirror, why can’t I see the other world inside of it?”


Because you have failed to acknowledge the Zwei Handlers.  Until you acknowledge them, your latent potential will never come to light.  You will forever be a reflected image, ignorant to the vast impossibilities around you.


“But, I don’t understand.  How do I acknowledge them?”


You must first acknowledge your ignorance.  Call to them, saying thusly:

O Zwei Mighty, ye guardian of worlds.  I know not of your great knowledge.  I seek to learn and to understand.  Grant me your wisdom to walk among the Planes.


It’s as simple as that.


“That easy huh?  So I could just try it—“


No!  Do not simply approach the Zwei Handlers without regard.  You must respect them.  I’ve seen many a creature trapped in his own eyes.  Lost until death.


“That’s . . .not exactly reassuring.  But I suppose if I speak with respect, they’ll accept me.”


Yes.  And, if you’re ever curious as to where you can find a new world, just remember:  where the average man cannot see beyond with his two eyes, there lies another discovery.


“Okay, so what the heck does that mean?”


Wherever there is a reflection, wherever, there is another world.


WARNING.  Memory Compromised.


Compromised?  By whom?  No one should have access to this data, but me.






Well that’s interesting.  What exactly is this?


STARLIGHT CHILD:  Children of the Zwei Handlers.  Before being brought into their rightful heritage, they must undergo a series of examinations immediately after birth.  Those who are deemed inefficient are disposed of.


Disposed of?  Wha


ZWEI HANDLER:  Primary subject, with lineage that equates to the control of the Zei Paths.  Current evolution is unknown.  Species is highly intelligent, cunning, and considered dangerous.


Dangerous?  Why, that’s preposterous.  We’re a peace loving species who


HIGH COUNCIL:  A Council Board of the greatest Zwei Handlers in existence.  Considered the elite, and often create worlds for new Zwei paths that are discovered.  Continues to bring new species into existence while simultaneously erasing others.


Erasing others!?  The Council—they wouldn’t do that!  What is this!?


???:  Species Unknown.  Resides—oid.  Has greatly influenc—their will.  These creat—ERROR.  DATABASE CORRUPTED.  NO FURTHER INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND.


What’s going on?  What is this!?


END MEMORY PLAYBACK.  15.04.2093[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Present Day]


That’s all I could find.  The rest of the database is empty.  It’s been erased.


You bring this before us, to ask what?”


 . . .I need to know what you’re hiding.  The living world is in danger.  And I know


You have violated one of our most sacred decrees!  You spoke to a living man, and now, they know of our worlds!”


I was young!  It was a mistake!


You were foolish!  And now because of you, the Council, the Zwei, and the entire Soul Society is in jeopardy!”


I—I’m sorry.  But, that’s why I’m here.  I want to right my wrongs.  I want to save both worlds.


And you will have that chance.”


I will?  But, how?


Your pathing measures have been removed.  You will not have access to Zwei Paths.  You must cross by way of the Seireitei.”


But the Seireitei is at war!


And you must end it!”


. . . Fine.  I’ll go.  But what am I to do with no power?


You will learn the strengths of the Soul Reapers.  You will become one of them.


Then, you would have me wield a Zanpaktou?


It is already done.”[/spoiler]


[spoiler=  The Plot]


Kiara, a Former Zwei Handler, has been discovered as a traitor to the Zwei Handlers.  In her misfortune, she has revealed the secrets and passages of the Zwei to the human race.  Now, the balance of the living world and the Spirit World are at risk.  Seireitei’s spiritual existence is being drained, and threatens to crash into the World of the Living.  If this occurs, the human race may cease to exist.  However, even with their world on the line, after the occupants of the Seireitei discover that they too are being manipulated by another force.


Upon learning this, many Soul Reapers have split from the Soul Society, and have gone to cut off the head of the snake:  The Zwei Handlers.  However, because not much is known about them, this is an incredible risk.  With forces cut short, and mankind constantly executing Soul Reapers, the forces of the Seireitei are beginning to dwindle.  In the shadows, however, a mutual party waits for its chance to balance the playing field.


Meanwhile, Kiara has gone to the Soul Society, in an attempt to help balance the war between Soul Reaper and mankind.  First, she must speak to the Head Captain, and then she must go to Earth.  However, getting there will be no easy task.  With her Zwei pathing abilities cut, she must traverse the Spirit World by foot to reach Earth.  She will cross both Soul Reaper and mankind alike.  However, who she shall find could dictate the end and beginning of her cause.


Mankind has created two factions to combat the Soul Reaper threat:  East Earth Alliance and West World Alliance.  Residing in mostly the Northern United States and Southern India, these factions are gathering troops from every corner of the globe.


And in all of this, someone is missing.  What has become of Kiara’s exposed human?  The one she has revealed these truths to.  Where is Eve?





Zwei Handlers, High Council (i):  Creatures who designed and created the Seireitei and its inhabitants with the sole purpose of controlling the human world, before and after death.  They are one council of many who govern multiple universes.


Starchild (Kiara):  A fallen Zwei Handler, guilty of treason as a child.  Brought to justice for her crimes, she must now save the collapsing Seireitei and stop the war between human, Soul Reaper, and Zwei kind.  Because of her, humans have access to advanced technology, and are attacking and killing Soul Reapers and Zwei alike.


Human Race:  After learning that their entire existence is being manipulated, the human race was up in arms.  They went to great lengths to find measures to see and kill anyone who is not human.  By creating V.A.S. Glasses, the human species is able to identify Soul Reapers on sight, thanks to technology created by their leading rebel:  General Gerald Torvus, of the H.R. Power Activists.  Thanks to Torvus, the human race is fighting back, with weapons in his name, like the Torvus Sabers, Torvus Marks, and Torvus Shields.


Torvus Technology:  By harnessing spirit particles and combining them with Earth energies and man made technology, General Gerald Torvus has given mankind power, once again.  When combined with Earth energies—such as alkaline or mercury—harnessed spirit particles take on a negative reaction causing them to harm anyone of Spirit origin.  Spirit particles are harnessed when they are exposed prematurely to Earth’s atmosphere, and captured in common glass jars, like fireflies. 


Soul Reapers:  Spiritual beings who once fought to protect the human realm.  Death gods.  Now, they fight on two fronts.  Against both the humans, and the Zwei who manipulate them.  [/spoiler]




War scarred Earth / Post-apocalyptic Seireitei / ??? 


There are two spirit gates opened on Earth, but thanks to a united effort, mankind is attempting to compile its numbers.  Creating two factions, one in Manhattan, New York, and the other in New Delhi.   Most of the early story will reside around the Northern and Central United States, as well as India.  We will be progressing from those locations as the story progresses.[/spoiler]




First and foremost:  This is non-cannon.  Ichigo, Urahara, Yoruichi, etc.  They don't exist.  You will be creating your own characters.


General RPing rules apply.


No power-playing, God-modding, or the like.


Please attempt to be active.  If for some reason you know you will become inactive for a period longer than a week, please notify me or a co-host.


Please use your best grammar.  


After interest check, I will drop applications and sign-up end dates.


You may have up to six characters.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Roles to Play]




East Earth Alliance / West World Alliance


You may be a part of either faction.  You are a soldier in this army.  What is your rank?  Why do you fight?  Do you believe Earth's cause is just?


[Character Name, First and Last Preferred]

[Character Age]

[Character History]  Be sure to include where your human is from, what made them want to join the fight, how they acquired their ranking, and how long they've been a part of the alliance of your choosing.  A detailed bio is a good one!  No less than two paragraphs.

[Character Rank]  This can vary, but we be using standard Naval Rankings.  Please note, this will be first come, first serve.  I will be limiting Admirals to 2, Vice-Admirals to 4, and judge other rankings accordingly.  The higher your rank, the more attention you should put into your character's history.

[Character Weapon Arsenal]  






[spoiler=Soul Reaper]


Captain / Vice-Captain


Your people are dying.  The humans rebel, after all you've done for them.  Meanwhile, you've learned of a third party that controls your very existence.  A war on two fronts.  Where do you stand?  More to come with the official application.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Zwei Handler]


This role is limited, and will be judged based on the application, down to the most minute detail.


You are the governing species.  It was only by your very hand that these beings even exist.  But thanks to a traitor, they have dared to rebel against you.  You have the advantage.  War is the only option.  More to come with the official application.[/spoiler]





Looking for a co-host, in the event this actually happens.  Also, please let me know if any of the text is hard to read.  Direct any questions to me.  After a confirmed 8 or more players, I will begin the official sign-up process.  Thanks for the once over.



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Consider me interested, I've always wanted to do a Bleach RP, but I don't think (at least in the time I've been here) we've ever had one. Two questions, how far do we need to be in the anime/manga to participate competently (or could we enter this blind since it's non-canon)? Second what would the Zwei Handlers look like in terms of appearance and what would their powers include?

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Consider me interested, I've always wanted to do a Bleach RP, but I don't think (at least in the time I've been here) we've ever had one. Two questions, how far do we need to be in the anime/manga to participate competently (or could we enter this blind since it's non-canon)? Second what would the Zwei Handlers look like in terms of appearance and what would their powers include?


I was waiting for more interest before I went further into detail on the Zwei Handlers, but I'll give you some insight since you asked.  And yes, you can join this almost blind if you know the difference between Shikai and Bankai.


The Zwei Handler's abilities will be predetermined, and will be based on rank.  Here's a look:



Zwei Handler Example, Martyr Rank (Rank I of III)


Path Walker - The ability to create a 3 dimensional path between two points, within 50 meters.  Can only be traversed by the Zwei Handlers.  Offers superb utility.  When seen by someone who is not a Zwei Handler, it appears as though the user is "blinking" from point to point.


Shadow's Divide - The ability to draw strength from the shadow of a lesser being.  Will increase your character's physical capabilities by 25% for a short duration.


Pull of the Mighty - The ability to lure lesser beings towards you, causing a state of "charm" on your target for the duration.


These abilities are given to all Zwei Handlers, and are not included in your own character's abilities that you may give them.  They are an addition.  Depending on your Handler's rank, your ability's potency will increase.  Such as a blink from 50 meters to 100 meters, or turning Shadow's Divide into Conquering Shadows, which would manipulate the target's shadow, instead of drawing strength from it.  I can't being to tell you what the Pull of the Mighty will become at rank II.  But again, Zwei Handlers would be heavily picked over, and more than likely be the last to be accepted.  Though, if more interest is shown, you'll be welcome to apply for it.


Thanks for showing interest.

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Well of course I'm interested. Does the Human faction gain anything like, fullbrings or something of that matter?


Torvus tech is going to be incredibly valuable.  I've considered Fullbring, but then I felt it was too Cannon.  Honestly, I've got a lot of Torvus gear to utilize for the human race.  Think of it like . . .Ghost Buster gear, but ten times the impact, and twice more durable.  Like, you're gonna be able to go toe-to-toe with most Shinigami.  Note, most.

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Bump.  Just looking for another six players.  I'll give this roughly two days for interest purposes, and if not I'll concede.

Things to note:



The plot may be too complicated for some?  I see people having more attention for simplistic rps more than not.

Bleach relation may be stale.  Perhaps a jump away from Bleach with the current plot would interest others more.


Feel free to discuss.

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