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Now for the news.


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Rooster Teeth has their own pizza.






In other news,


Rumor has it Microsoft is sending Internet Explorer to that big computer in the sky. You may now rejoice or mourn.

I got a Nekorz of Gungiri~ 

Toyo is being knighted.

British Soul isgoing to climb Mt. Fuji.

Thar is helping create the Persona Fire Emblem crossover game.

Rai found a Shiny Feebass with perfect IVs. 

Dae met a mermaid.

Striker is going around the world in a blimp/cassino.

There is an army of giant rubber ducks on the loose.

Agro is opening a gym. The muscle kind, and the Pokemon kind.

I don't want to go back to college on monday......

Cold sores suck.........

Koko is the next Queen of England.

Shard is getting a job at the whack-a-mole arcade. He's the mole.

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