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*Insert epic theme song that goes with the Deck*




Deck List:

Monster x16:

3x Koa'ki Meiru Urnight

3x Koa'ki Meiru Crusader

2x Koa'ki Meiru Ice

2x Bear

2x Gorilla

3x TGU

1x Koa'ki Meiru Fiend


Spells x15:

3x Tenki

2x Tensu

3x Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru

2x Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru

3x MST

2x Forbidden Lance


Traps x9:

3x CotH

2x Fiendish Chain

2x Wiretap

2x Breakthrough


Extra x15:

2x Tiger King

2x Diamond Dire Wolf

1x Maestroke

1x No 50

1x Cairngorgon

1x Exciton Knight

1x No 101

1x No 103

1x Gagaga Cowboy

1x Castel

1x Daigusto Emeral

1x Invoker

1x Alucard


Side x11:

2x Grandsoil

2x Maxx "C"

2x Koa'ki Meiru Boulder

2x Koa'ki Meiru Guardian

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Bottomless

1x Compulsoy


I've scratched my old idea and started running this.

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To be honest, the only really necessary Koa'ki Meiru cards you need are Crusader and Urnight. Add in supports like Bear and TGU in and that's pretty much all the monsters you need. It's all cause x3 Diamond Core and x3 Tenki brings Koa'Ki Meiru up to a HERO standard because of the high consistency and power advantage.


It's apparent you have the 4 lockdown rocks which you might want to utilize, but you can stick to that all as devotion to your theme or you can scratch them out. All 4 of them, Redox, Grand Mole, and possibly Block Golem can be made into another Rock Lock build.


Urgent Synthesis doesn't look necessary. CotH covers SSing from the Grave, and Tensu does good summoning multiple Koa'ki Meirus without triggering Solemn Warning and such. It's also much more slower than CotH and CotH can be used in more useful situations where you SS Crusader, and then lure into a Lance. Also, isn't it risky to dump Iron Core in the first place? For Iron Core Luster, I'm sure Lance can cover over the Koa'Kis or Xyzs to protect them but its general use seems unecessary at most.


Mirror Force and raigeki don't seem necessary now that the Rocks are scrapped. Now with that all out of the way, x2 TGU can lead to Invoker, which gets Urnight in tight situations. Alucard and and Angineer are big help too, so you can add that engine in if you wish. You can also try adding Koa'Ki Meiru Ice or Chiron the Mage. They both are really not that good but it fits better with the theme here. Finally, x3 solid MSTs seem pretty necessary to stop against other Tenkis, Qliphort Tool, Shadow Games, and other obstacles that halt Koa'Ki Meiru abilities. Fiendish Chain, Wiretap, Black Horn, Breakthrough Skill, and so many other generic trap staples are recommended.

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Wouldn't 3 Diamond Core and 2 regular Core be better here?


Yep, I had no idea what I did there actually, changing.


To be honest, the only really necessary Koa'ki Meiru cards you need are Crusader and Urnight. Add in supports like Bear and TGU in and that's pretty much all the monsters you need. It's all cause x3 Diamond Core and x3 Tenki brings Koa'Ki Meiru up to a HERO standard because of the high consistency and power advantage.


It's apparent you have the 4 lockdown rocks which you might want to utilize, but you can stick to that all as devotion to your theme or you can scratch them out. All 4 of them, Redox, Grand Mole, and possibly Block Golem can be made into another Rock Lock build.


Urgent Synthesis doesn't look necessary. CotH covers SSing from the Grave, and Tensu does good summoning multiple Koa'ki Meirus without triggering Solemn Warning and such. It's also much more slower than CotH and CotH can be used in more useful situations where you SS Crusader, and then lure into a Lance. Also, isn't it risky to dump Iron Core in the first place? For Iron Core Luster, I'm sure Lance can cover over the Koa'Kis or Xyzs to protect them but its general use seems unecessary at most.


Mirror Force and raigeki don't seem necessary now that the Rocks are scrapped. Now with that all out of the way, x2 TGU can lead to Invoker, which gets Urnight in tight situations. Alucard and and Angineer are big help too, so you can add that engine in if you wish. You can also try adding Koa'Ki Meiru Ice or Chiron the Mage. They both are really not that good but it fits better with the theme here. Finally, x3 solid MSTs seem pretty necessary to stop against other Tenkis, Qliphort Tool, Shadow Games, and other obstacles that halt Koa'Ki Meiru abilities. Fiendish Chain, Wiretap, Black Horn, Breakthrough Skill, and so many other generic trap staples are recommended.


The general ideas was to keep the EARTH theme, but I'm flexible to make this more viable and, actually, I forgot about some cards that you've actually mentioned; so basically I'm going for this changes now:

- 10 Rock-Type Koa'kies

-1 Grand Mole

-1 Redox

-2 Urgent Synthesis

-1 Iron Core of Koa'ki

-2 Forbidden Chalice

-2 Iron Core Luster

-2 Mirror Force

-1 Rhapsody

-1 No 52

+3 MST

+2 Tensu

+2 Koa'ki Meiru Ice

+1 Chiron

+2 Bear

+2 TGU

+1 Diamond Core of Koa'ki

+3 CotH

+2 Wiretrap

+2 Fiendish Chain

+1 Alucard

+1 Diamond Dire Wolf


Still, I'm siding 2 Boulders and 2 Guardians just to test them.

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