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[FRF] Today's Spoilers


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Green is my favorite of the 5 for outside of limited, though odds are he won't be that good in limited itself.


I neglected to mention that I thought a Bramblecrush death trigger has possibilities.


EDIT: Although, now, upon reading Wardscale, there might be two dragons.

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Tasigur will see play somewhere in Standard. The fact that it has 5 toughness and has single black in its cost means that it's the most mana-efficient Rhino blocker in format. Playing it turn 3 delving a fetchland and three cards off of Wayfinder is very decent indeed. I think there's space for it as a 1-of tech.

It's also worth noting that the damage prevention from strictly-better-Shock is a fairly decent trick to bypass Gods Willing and Master of Waves.

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