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Kamen Rider W-Wizard RP (Interest Check/Sign-up)

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After watching Kamen Rider OOOs, Fourze, Wizard and part of W, I like the way they are all shown to take place in the same world. This RP will be taking place after the events of Wizard and before the events of the Wizard x Gaim crossover film though in a slightly different timeline so existing villains will still be around. You don't need to have a large understanding of the show and information on the various enemies will be placed here. The RP will be taking place in and around Tokyo and there will be no interaction between existing Riders and created ones. 


[spoiler='Rules']1.a. All IC posts require at least 4 lines of text, or roughly 100 words at standard formatting.

b. Posting in script format is forbidden.

c. Copy-pasting or “expying” characters without tailoring them to the new roleplay is forbidden.

2. No Godmodding

3. RPersare allowed 1 Rider App and up to two villain apps

4. Villains are NPCs and can be controlled by anyone

5. Me and any Co-hosts have final say in what happens[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Info']Dopant - The Dopants are normal Humans who use Gaia Memories. The Gaia Memories are aspects of the true Gaia Memory, the knowledge of everything on the Earth. These were originally accessed due to Philip's link to the Gaia Memory by means of the Gaia Library . But after he was taken from them, the Sonozaki Family uses a strange temple underneath their mansion to access the Gaia Memory. They then sell these to the highest bidder or to common criminals, both types used as guinea pigs to study the Gaia Memories as part of the Gaia Impact project.


Greeed - The Greeed were created 8 centuries ago through the fifty Core Medals by four alchemists who attempted to create life under the will of the First Kamen Rider OOO in his plan to achieve godhood. Though originally mindless, the five Greeed gained wills of their own after one Medal in each of the five sets was destroyed. They are beings that crave endlessly, cursed with a void in them that can never be filled. They lack proper senses, resulting in bleak sensory input, as well as the inability to feel deeper emotions such as love. As such, the Greeed became bent on filling the void left in them by consuming the world, specifically humans, to feel what humans feel.


Zodiarts - Reverse engineered from the Core Switch to reach the alien race known as the Presenters, the Zodiarts Switches, which are made from Cosmic Energy, are designed to force-evolve the user, the Switcher, into a being that can survive the void of space. The result of the transformation is a Zodiarts, a monstrous construct of Cosmic Energy.


Phantoms - Born from within the bodies of despairing Gates, an infant Phantom proceeds to destroy the Gate's Underworld before bursting from the host and gaining a physical humanoid body appearance and receiving the ability to disguise as the Gate which had given birth to them. Unlike the humanoid Phantoms that emerge from a Gate, the inner Phantoms are more monstrous in form. When a Gate keeps a Phantom inside of them from tearing loose by clinging onto hope, that Inner Phantom would henceforth be known as a Enslaved Phantom, and that Gate can now use magic and become a Magician.


[spoiler=Astro Switches]The Astroswitches are mysterious devices that are the source of Kamen Rider Fourze's powers. They are infused with Cosmic Energy to materialize armaments known as the Fourze Modules (フォーゼモジュール Fōze Mojūru?). Ten of them at a time can be carried in the Astroswitch Kaban. They can also be used to operate Foodroids as well as serve as power-ups for Kamen Rider Meteor.

There are 40 known normal Astroswitches in total, 10 of which each correspond to one of the attachment ports on Kamen Rider Fourze's limbs, known as Module Basements.

Circle Module Basemen: Right Arm. Circle Astroswitches in nature tend to be close-combat weapons, as well as having the capacity to change Fourze's States if its number is a multiple of 10.

Cross Module Basement: Right Leg. Cross Astroswitches in nature tend to be mid-ranged weaponry.

Triangle Module Basement: Left Leg. Triangle Astroswitches in nature tend to be themed after transport.


Square Module Basement: Left Arm. Square Astroswitches in nature tend to be battle-support items.



[spoiler='Gaia Memories']A Gaia Memory is a mysteryous device resembling a USB flash drive that contains all of the Earth's knowledge of what it represents. This enables its user to become a Dopant, or in some special cases a Kamen Rider. Every Gaia Memory is adorned with the first letter of its name, stylized to reflect the powers it imbues on its user. For example, the Injury Memory resembles a broken bone in the shape of the letter I. In order to transform into a Dopant, the Gaia Memory is first inserted into a device called the L.C.O.G, also called a Connect Shooter, which then produces a USB port-like tattoo on the user's skin called a Living Connector. Whenever the Gaia Memory is pressed onto the Living Connector, it enters the user's body and transforms the user into a Dopant. It is possible to use a Gaia Memory without a Living Connector however a side effect is that the user would later suffer intense physical pain after several uses.

This direct insertion will eventually drive its user insane from its addictive influence, which is why special belts called Memory Drivers have been developed for use by high ranking members of the Museum to filter out these and other side effects. This weakens the Dopant visibly, as such high-ranking Museum members use some of the strongest Gaia Memories, identified by their golden colors, to more than compensate for this weakening. Despite the benefits, there are those who dislike the use of Drivers and would very much prefer the poisoning than being weakened, like Doctor Isaka.

Kamen Riders utilize Gaia Memories that have been refined such that they can only be used in specialized Memory Driver belts, and the Gaia Memories used do not enter the body and channels power through the Driver. These kinds of Gaia Memories were created by Shroud during her time as Fumine Sonozaki. This refinement makes them resemble USB drives, rather than the ribcage design on Dopant Gaia Memories, but further weakens the power of the Memories, only allowing access to the Memory's full power during a Maximum Drive.

To defeat a Dopant, a Kamen Rider has to use one of its Maximum Drive finishing attacks to eject and destroy the Gaia Memory, resulting in what is called a Memory Break. Evolved Gaia Memories require a direct strike on its location within the Dopant's body to execute the Memory Break. If the Dopant does not have a Living Connector, a Memory Break will not occur, however the Gaia Memory will still be ejected from the user's body. Dopants who use Memory Drivers are not susceptible to Memory Breaks.[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Medals']Core Medals - Core Medals are colored O Medals that make up the essence of a Greeed. They can also be used to transform into Kamen Rider OOO or any Combos. These five types of Core Medals were originally fifty created by human alchemists 800 years ago as a means to create artificial life, drawing from characteristics of different animals, forming the core of the Greeed before one Medal in each set was destroyed. The tenth medal was typically destroyed or hidden in order to create a 'desire' in the nine other medals. A sixth set was also created, the Purple Cores, which are made from the antithesis of desire.

Each set of Core Medals comes in a specific color and animal type. Red Core Medals have bird powers; yellow Core Medals have big cat powers; green Core Medals have insect powers; silver Core Medals have heavy mammal powers; blue Core Medals have marine animal powers; purple Core Medals have dinosaur powers; and orange Core Medals have reptilian powers. There are 70 Core Medals total from the series, each three from a Greeed divided in three groupings for the use of OOO: Head, Arms (Torso), and Legs.


Cell Medal - Cell Medals are silver O Medals and come from the Greeed, but also make up the bodies of the Yummy. These Medals are a manifestation of human desire that hold tremendous power. While the Greeed were sealed away, the Kougami Foundation studied and gathered the Cell Medals, incorporating them in their Ride Vendor, Medajalibur, and Candroid technology. Whereas Core Medals can be used and reused without effect done on the Medals, Cell Medals only have a limited amount of energy and vanished when the energy has been depleted.

Unlike Kamen Rider OOO who uses Core Medals, Birth uses these Cell Medals to transform or access weapons. These Medals can be used to transform into Birth or used in a Cell Burst. No specific Cell Medal is required for Kamen Rider Birth to transform, summon a Birth CLAWs armament, or initiate a Cell Burst attack. Unlike OOO's Core Medals, Cell Medals can only be used once. After said use, their energy is depleted, and they fade away. Also unlike OOO's cores, which can only be destroyed, Cell Medals can be broken, as demonstrated by Uva and Poseidon's shattering Cell Medals to make Waste Yummies.[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Wizard Rings']All Magicians possesses two kinds of Rings: the left-handed Transformation Rings for transformation, with Wizard having the ability to change his current forms and the right-handed Magic Rings for performing spells, as well as summoning their personal weapons[/spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler='Rider App']Name: (Character's name and Name of your Rider)
Nickname: (What other characters will call this character.)
Age: (How old they are (At least 17).)
Gender: (Male/Female.)
Job Placement Skills: (You may only pick two jobs.)
Alignment: (Good/Neutral/Evil/Undecided.)
Birth Date: (The day and month the character was born.)
Birth Place:

Relatives: (No limit to family.. Go nuts if you want to with this section.)

Personality: (What are they like? Be sure to stick to this personality, don't go against your own design. At least 1 paragraph/5 lines or sentences.)

Appearance: (What do they look like? Be sure to go into a good bit of detail, RPers need to know who they're talking too. At least 1 paragraph/5 lines or sentences. If you include a picture, it is shortened into 3 sentences.)

History: (History of when the character was a baby, a child, and everything all the way to now. Be descriptive, we'd like to know more about the character. At least a paragraph/5 lines or 5 sentences.)

Info: (Any extra things that you didn't tell us about your character go here. What is he/she skilled in? Just a sentence or two would suffice.)

Henshin Device: (What you use to transform .ie belt, what is the catalyst. [Gaia Memories, Medals, Switches or Rings])

Kamen Rider Form(s): (How how armour looks. A minimum of 200 words (total) to describe each form or a pictures and a couple of sentences for each. You must include colour layout and notable features.  You may have up to 3 forms beside your original.[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Monster App']Monster's Name: (What your character goes by, or his/her name.)

Human Form: (Name in Human form. Optional.)

Species: (Dopant, Yummy, Zodiarts, Phantom.)

Gender: (Male/Female/Unspecified.)

Personality: (Your character's personality.)

History: (Two paragraphs minimum.)

Appearance: (A paragraph/5 lines or sentences or a picture and 3 sentences.)

[spoiler='Accepted Apps']
[spoiler='Azure Wolf']
Name: Rai Hayata, Kamen Rider Myth

Nickname: Yata
Age: 17
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 142 pounds
Gender: Male
Job Placement Skills: Unemployed
Alignment: Undecided
Birth Date: 14th May
Birth Place: Tokyo

Relatives: None

Personality: Before his family was killed by the Phantom Cerberus Rai was out going and a joker, though after they were killed, he became serious, quiet and tends to avoid people. This is mainly due to the fear of losing anyone close to him again. Because of this he enjoys quiet, dark places and to observe from afar. When he gets into conversation he dodges personal questions and usually misses any signs of hardships people are having. Rai is a planner, and because of this he keeps the area around him well organized and will complete the tasks set out to him. Though he puts his personal business above everything else, whenever he hears of monster sighting he stops whatever he is doing and heads to the location.

Appearance: g4TeAWW.jpg?1 His usually wear is a brown shirt, black trench coat, loose fitting black jeans, black trainers and dark grey fingerless gloves. Has shoulder-length white hair and redish-brown eyes. Due to training to assure his survival, he has decently toned muscles. Despite the time he has spent outside Rai is still relativity pale, which is the main reason he covers as much of his body as possible.

History: Rai was born in central Tokyo and that is all he knows about his childhood. He was driven to despair by the Phantom Cerberus after the rest of his family was killed. Entering a deal of sorts with his inner Phantom Condor, he became the mage Myth. Though in exchange for Condor’s power Rai’s memory started failing him with the only knowledge of his childhood was here he was born and the face of his enemy. He is still hunting for Cerberus to act his revenge.

Info: Having 10 years of escaping Phantoms, Rai has developed survival skills and basic combat skills, being able to use any form of blades with adequate skill as well as learning how to counter bladed weapons and fists.

Henshin Device: Belt, Rings (Gryphon, Wyvern, Quilin)

Kamen Rider Form(s): Base – Gryphon – As Rai’s basic form it is average in terms of speed and power. Its primary weapons are two curved blades, one on each arm, akin to the wings of the gryphon. The helmet is shaped like a gryphons own head, the face plate is the beak and the rest represents the mane. The torso has two small ridges which the blades can attach to allow limited flight abilities. Gryphon is a combination of brown and black, with brown being more for the details and black for the base.

Secondary – Wyvern – Rai’s secondary form is his fastest and highest damage form, but lacks in defence. Its primary weapon is a spiked gauntlet, which delivers a dose of poison into any body of magic. Like his Gryphon form, Wyvern has flight abilities but a lot more limited as it can only be used in short bursts before being reverted back to Gryphon. To compensate for its lack of defence, there is a counterblow on the suits left arm which can be used to block any bladed slashing weapon, but has no effect on other weapons like Crushing on stabbing. Like Gryphon the helm represents the wyvern’s head and the gauntlet represents the wyvern’s tail and its ability to deliver poison.

Third – Quilin – As Rai’s final form it has a high damage output (though less than wyverns) and defence but lacks in speed. Its primary weapon is a longsword and can be akin to European plate armour. Being his most powerful form it drains Rai’s memory faster than the other forms.

As this RP has a solid foundation I feel like it will be easier to run than my previous ones but I would like help with hosting, so I will be accepting a co-host.
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I'd really like to join just to encourage more Kamen Rider activity going on but I'm not really good with RPs and I don't really like participating. Wishing you luck with this though, even though KR is obscure as fuck and probably not enough people'll join, iunno.


and finish W damnit. It's great, really great.

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[spoiler='Azure Wolf']Name: Rai Hayata, Kamen Rider Myth
Nickname: Yata
Age: 17
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 142 pounds
Gender: Male
Job Placement Skills: Unemployed
Alignment: Undecided
Birth Date: 14th May
Birth Place: Tokyo

Relatives: None

Personality: Before his family was killed by the Phantom Cerberus Rai was out going and a joker, though after they were killed, he became serious, quiet and tends to avoid people. This is mainly due to the fear of losing anyone close to him again. Because of this he enjoys quiet, dark places and to observe from afar. When he gets into conversation he dodges personal questions and usually misses any signs of hardships people are having. Rai is a planner, and because of this he keeps the area around him well organized and will complete the tasks set out to him. Though he puts his personal business above everything else, whenever he hears of monster sighting he stops whatever he is doing and heads to the location.


Appearance:  His usually wear is a brown shirt, black trench coat, loose fitting black jeans, black trainers and dark grey fingerless gloves. Has shoulder-length white hair and redish-brown eyes. Due to training to assure his survival, he has decently toned muscles. Despite the time he has spent outside Rai is still relativity pale, which is the main reason he covers as much of his body as possible.

History: Rai was born in central Tokyo and that is all he knows about his childhood. He was driven to despair by the Phantom Cerberus after the rest of his family was killed. Entering a deal of sorts with his inner Phantom Condor, he became the mage Myth. Though in exchange for Condor’s power Rai’s memory started failing him with the only knowledge of his childhood was here he was born and the face of his enemy. He is still hunting for Cerberus to act his revenge.


Info: Having 10 years of escaping Phantoms, Rai has developed survival skills and basic combat skills, being able to use any form of blades with adequate skill as well as learning how to counter bladed weapons and fists.

Henshin Device: Belt, Rings (Gryphon, Wyvern, Quilin)


Kamen Rider Form(s): Base – Gryphon – As Rai’s basic form it is average in terms of speed and power. Its primary weapons are two curved blades, one on each arm, akin to the wings of the gryphon. The helmet is shaped like a gryphons own head, the face plate is the beak and the rest represents the mane. The torso has two small ridges which the blades can attach to allow limited flight abilities. Gryphon is a combination of brown and black, with brown being more for the details and black for the base.


Secondary – Wyvern – Rai’s secondary form is his fastest and highest damage form, but lacks in defence. Its primary weapon is a spiked gauntlet, which delivers a dose of poison into any body of magic. Like his Gryphon form, Wyvern has flight abilities but a lot more limited as it can only be used in short bursts before being reverted back to Gryphon. To compensate for its lack of defence, there is a counterblow on the suits left arm which can be used to block any bladed slashing weapon, but has no effect on other weapons like Crushing on stabbing. Like Gryphon the helm represents the wyvern’s head and the gauntlet represents the wyvern’s tail and its ability to deliver poison.


Third – Quilin – As Rai’s final form it has a high damage output (though less than wyverns) and defence but lacks in speed. Its primary weapon is a longsword and can be akin to European plate armour. Being his most powerful form it drains Rai’s memory faster than the other forms.


Example Mage app. For the Forms if using Gaia memories put in the name of the memory, same goes for core medals and switches (all cell medals are the same so just put cell medal)

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