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Touhou Shinhiroku ~ Urban Legend in Limbo

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So no set release date for the full game yet, but the demo came out a few days ago. This game will also be Kasen's first game appearance, well as a major character at least since I don't count her being a part of the background in Hopeless Masquerade counting. I think I'll kinda miss alphes as the artist though, but that being said Moe Harukawa is no slouch when it comes to the character portraits.


Link: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Urban_Legend_in_Limbo 



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Yay, finally a place to discuss this game that's not MotK!


First of all, Moe Harukawa as the artist is really damn wonderful tbh. I quite liked their artstyle and all.


Also, demo's pretty fun. Hopefully the end result will be even better.


(also, crossing my fingers that someone will try breaking into the game to see the roster list like back in HM, if it's still there)

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  • 3 weeks later...

so... according to the leaks of the demo, mokou, the new girl, and sukuna are going to be added to the roster alongside kasen. while byakuren, kasen, and mokou have me hyped to play it eventually, a potential remix to koibito of the shining needle is making me eager to hear the soundtrack.

imgur link to the code screencap: http://imgur.com/HBMo2kS

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>playable Sukuna


oh fuck hell yes


Yeah, an arrange to the godly Kobito of the Shining Needle would be wonderful. Mokou being around is also nice.


if we keep this up we'll definitely get kaguya in the next fighting game


Hanako, huh?




Having her as the final boss would be a really nice thing, I guess. Man, can't wait 'til Reitasai hits. Though what's quite odd is that she's already referenced as Marisa's Last Word Kai, so having her as a character would feel awkward.

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