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Insecurity [NS/AA/PG-16]

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Trying to get back into RPing, and considering my background prior to YCM is rife with more . . . shall we say adult RPs, and I haven't done anything really political since my bizarre foray into 1960s politics (don't ask), I figured I might as well get back to my roots. Also, considering I've been an avid lover of science fiction and fantasy for the vast majority of my admittedly short life, and that I haven't played a good strategy game in a while (not since I beat Awakening a bit back, and even that was . . . lacking after the StarCraft meta. Obligatory Zerg reference), I'll be inserting those elements.

Now that you've told me to "get on with it" about a dozen times, let's move on with the show.

A race that, for all its triumphs, for all its leaps forward, was always limited by endless infighting, was at war with itself again.
The battle lines were drawn between two factions which each took half of the human home world of Earth: the VisionSoft Politic-Corporation, which had extended far beyond its original mandates of entertainment technology and had expanded into offensive weapons of devastating power, and the Neorian Imperium, a pseudo-religious dictatorship that instead focused upon hallucinogenic drugs that warped the mind so far as to unlock dormant psychic potential, which they weaponized against their near neighbors. Eventually, the two superpowers were destined to clash. It seemed Earth's way. However, an unexpected twist was thrown in the path of humanity's cyclical path of destruction: a warning, given by an unidentified ship passing the thankfully neutral colony of Deimos.
As translated, it read as follows: "Urgent message from the Xyvos! Prepare defensive measures- defend against the Swarm!"
Both factions dismissed the warning as a trick, and the first battle commenced in Cairo- only to be cut short by Xyvi delegates crash-landing right in the center of the battle. The strange, spiderlike creatures were attacked from two fronts, until the human groups realized that there was still the more pressing issue of one another, buying the Xyvi a chance to escape. There was no further word on the topic for nearly a year, until terrible illnesses struck the VisionSoft territory of Beijing. When word got out, the spiderlike Xyvi returned seemingly from the woodwork, disintegrating the infected citizenry instead of attempting treatment. When similar cases popped up in Neorian Quito, much of the same occurred. However, despite their best efforts, neither superpower was able to find any sort of base of operations for the infuriating invaders, and attempts at stopping the wanton destruction of human life were equally fruitless.
That, however, was a mere annoyance compared to what happened next. The disease proved impossible to treat, and the large tumors that sprouted from the skin of the infected literally grew legs and ran away in droves, resulting in the corpses being shoved into furnaces and burned, to prevent or at least slow infection spreading. Despite all this, the wars raged on . . .

How's that for an infodump?
In any case, you will all be commanders of one of the two human factions, facing the opposing superpower, hit-and-run strikes by the Xyvi, and let's not get started on infection . . .

I'll personally hold stats on relevant military units of both factions, to be released on demand, in two different flavors to the two different factions: basically, the version given to the faction that controls a unit will be given tips on strategic use, and the version given to the opposite side will mostly consist of giving the easiest way to take it down.

[spoiler=General Rules]
1. No posting in script format.
2. Please keep it over 100 words.
3. Make characters for this RP- don't transfer from outside.
4. Follow your faction's app format, listed below.
5. Please don't godmod, we all have enough problems as it is.
6. While improvised use of your troop abilities is welcomed, don't do it too often, or you'll risk alienating a fair portion of what few people will show up.
7. Remember, you're fighting on opposite sides of a very serious war. Unless you seriously want to risk your character possibly getting discharged from the military, if not outright executed, don't try making any truce with the enemy faction.
8. Everyone is permitted two characters. This is primarily a feature to balance the factions. If your characters are part of separate factions, you do not have the right to use information gained with one character to influence your decisions with the other.
9. Yes, you can take prisoners of war. Yes, you can use interrogation techniques at personal discretion. No, I don't want them described in excessive detail. Yes, you are permitted to resist said interrogation techniques. No, you are not superhuman in this regard. If you're being repeatedly electrocuted, you'll probably give some information up to save your hide eventually.
10. Personal relationships between characters on the same side are permitted, and will probably develop over the RP if they don't already exist. You are permitted (hell, I couldn't stop you if I tried) to have romantic relationships. However, you must do everything in your power to keep said relationships secret- remember, there are rules against that kind of thing in real militaries.

[spoiler=VisionSoft App]
Appearance (image or sufficiently descriptive paragraph):
Backstory (must be at least a paragraph):
Blood Type (can become relevant later):
Cybernetic Enhancements (if any, listed below):
SCAR Unit Designation (see below):

Enhancements are usually applied sparingly, to prevent civilians from seeing soldiers as emotionless killing robots. The corporate government also ensures that the fact that there are real emotionless killing robots a secret. No soldier is permitted more than 3.
Reinforced limb (indicate limb)- a mechanical exoskeleton that greatly increases striking power, grip strength, reflex speed, and the like in the limb it is applied to. Used on a piecemeal basis, as it is absurdly expensive.
Memory Chip- grants perfect memory, to permit exact quoting of statements, exact recollection of things glimpsed for only a fleeting moment, and prevents the issue of forgetting exactly how much ammunition is left in a particular weapon.
ScanVisor Optical System- grants superhuman eyesight, with up to 3000x zoom, infrared sensors, and red-dot laser sighting option to permit long-range accuracy even in the event of a ruined scope.
Arm Multitool (indicate arm)- comes standard with nine-shot 9mm pistol, liquid-cable grappling hook with maximum length of 45 meters, locking mechanism to hold heavy rifles, and comm functionality, to act as a backup in case regular comm is misplaced, destroyed, or stolen.
ReactorSet Combat Vest- functions as titanium/kevlar vest, improves stamina by 45%, occasionally doses small painkillers to keep soldiers on their feet, comes equipped with 60 grams of plastic explosive, which go off if the soldier's vital signs stop for more than 10 seconds.
Jump Jets- nearly double soldier's running speed, and can fire small jets of flame for short-distance flight.

SCAR units are a commander's best friend. These gynoids are designed with a list of all military protocols and procedures, are constantly aware of the locations and vital statistics of all troops in their battalion, and function as makeshift bodyguards in case the CO is caught off-guard by an assassin. They are often customized to their CO's liking, and are often referred to as a daughter or female friend by some of the older officers.
SCAR-77 units are the newest model, and think absurdly quickly on their feet. Their thought processes are approximately three times as quickly as a human being's, and are lightweight enough to be confused for a real person. An unusual selling point for the model was their connection to the main Locator Grid, which allows any CO to be aware of the location of any member of the military of equal or lesser rank.
SCAR-52 units might be slightly outdated, but many believe that the newest models started to lose their appeal when they began phasing out emotional software, which made them almost "feel like a real bodyguard", as one officer put it. While the SCAR-52 has about half the processing power of the 77, many feel it is considerably more optimized, and still more feel that it makes them more approachable. While their weight is more substantial, it is still within normal parameters.
The SCAR-36 is the oldest model that is still in service, and only because the rather curmudgeonly older members of the military refuse to let the model be decommissioned. This is mostly because the 36 was the last model to be given knowledge of every martial art known to man, to the point where several older officers claim to have learned a martial art or two from the 36. This was also the first model with perfected emotional software, where it could pass for human in conversation, and learn from the people it interacted with. The 36 is sadly limited by processors that run at speeds approximately equal to the human mind, and its rather substantial weight (approximately 550 lbs., according to its original manual) was at fault for several being stolen and dismantled. It is very rare that one is commissioned, mostly due to younger generations spurn in the model as outdated and not worth keeping. However, their bodyguard functionality is in full force, considering that the frame of a 36 is practically indestructible.
The hair, skin, and eye color of the SCAR is at the discretion of the officer, although most don't care and leave those fields blank.

[spoiler= Neorian App]
Appearance (image or sufficiently descriptive paragraph):
Backstory (must be at least a paragraph):
Blood Type (can become relevant later):
Infusion Type (see below):
PKEI (see below):

Each individual member of the Neorian military regularly takes injections of the psychoactive drug Phyllaxol, with infusions identified by color- this is supposedly to make identification easier, but there are conspiracy theories ranging from the infusions being deadly toxins to the infusions actually being deadly levels of radiation. Regardless, it's so addictive that most don't truly care. Due to mixing different infusion types causing violent mood swings, hypertension, vivid hallucinations, and brain hemorrhaging, it is advised that a soldier who desires to live intake of one type and one only. All infusions grant limited telepathy, which permits instantaneous contact with any soldier not currently asleep or on a Phyllaxol trip.
Red- Red infusions result in pyrokinesis, which is the creation and manipulation of fire. Most users also relate an increased tolerance to high temperatures, sometimes bordering on flame-retardant skin. Depending on the Psychokinetic Energy Index of the user, electrokinesis may result as a side effect, but this is rare and should not be expected.
Blue- This infusion results in cryokinesis, better known as the ability to make and control ice. Users also experience heightened resistance to lower temperatures. While some users with particularly high PKEI report mild weather manipulation, all reports of ability to create life are to be disregarded as hallucinations.
Yellow- Users of Yellow infusion enjoy telekinesis, better known as the capacity to move objects with one's mind. Reports currently claim that users with higher PKEI can achieve such impressive feats as tossing small cars around or completely deflecting incoming projectiles with a mere hand wave. However, these results are not typical.
Purple- This particular infusion comes with the least understood ability, known as psychokinesis- the ability to create and manipulate objects made entirely of psychic energy. These apparently range from creating one's own weapons at will, to creating solid cover from nothing, to creating armies of doppelganger soldiers to absorb enemy fire and cause small amounts of damage. However, it must be stated that psychokinetics tend to have the least endurance of any user, and cannot maintain their illusions very long, especially if pressured.
Orange- Orange infusion increases the natural telepathy given by Phyllaxol to more-impressive levels, allowing stray thoughts from just about anyone nearby to be picked up with relative ease, and minds to be cracked like a safe for information given enough pressure. Some as-yet unsubstantiated reports claim that Orange users with high enough PKEI can hijack the bodies of others by subverting the will of their mind, but even these reports claim that this tires the user to near-exhaustion in mere moments.
Green- Users of Green infusion are uniquely capable of repairing wounds, both in themselves and in their allies. This has led to situations where a high-PKEI Green user inexorably walks towards the enemy line, repairing just about any wound in moments. However, most Green users act as field medics, repairing wounds the other soldiers receive via thought. Green users have had no effect on this mysterious illness, mostly due to its nature of producing tumors.

A PKEI (or Psychokinetic Energy Index) is a representation of just how much psychic power a particular person is capable of outputting. High PKEI users are capable of more impressive feats of psychic power, but are slightly hampered by longer hallucinations under the effect of Phyllaxol. Lower PKEI users may not have as much raw power, but they can be deployed more frequently, seeing as they recover from their hallucinations more quickly. As a general rule of thumb, each unit of PKEI increases the length of one's weekly hallucinogenic coma by a half hour. Most deployed soldiers have a PKEI of over 8, but anywhere over 15 have a high tendency to be rejected from military service.

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[spoiler=WIP]RPer: Death Label - Shinki
Name: Rachel "Ravage" Reifeld
Age: 26
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Appearance:]She has White skin with a somewhat perfectly shaped body, With a B-Cup breasts and a curvaceous body to boot. She has Black Hair andĀ Purple Eyes, which the Latter was one of side effects of the drugs she took. She wears a sleek black bodysuit covered by her normal outfit of a Black shirt and Black pants. Her clothes aside from her bodysuit are scuffed around the edges, often indicating her desire for battle. She does not wear a lot of medals on her chest, as she claims that they get in the way.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Backstory (must be at least a paragraph):][/spoiler]
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 208 lb.
Blood Type: O+
Infusion Type: Purple
PKEI: 13 [/spoiler]

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