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I'm thinking of Building one of three decks, I'd like some opinions.

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I am currently debating building a few decks. Each one has it's advantages and disadvantage. The main disadvantage of all 3 being, they aren't Shadoll, Burning Abyss or Qliphort. Haha. Anyway, my three choices are, Gadget, Super heavy Samurai, and Chronomaly.
I have more of the samurais then the others, but not my much. I kinda want to go in on this deck and get a few of those expensive staples I don't have yet, still price is an issue. So if you can think of a better deck for cheap then say, I don't mind a little bit of tangent thought. So what do you guys think?

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It's true that cost of staples does play a key role in deciding what sorts of Decks can be built IRL.

Though there are some other Decks that can be built on a budget and still work nicely.


Looking at a local dealer, Chronomalies (from your choice) have a relatively inexpensive Main Deck; bar some certain staples. The Extra Deck will kill you a bit though.

Also note that 36 + Nebra aren't available yet for TCG.


In terms of Gadgets, what type of build are you trying to go for, as there are a few options. Can't really say how much a price tag on them is.


Given you have a Samurai build, an idea would be to go for another Warrior Deck also; given the support cards carry over to a certain degree if you need to change them out.


This is coming from Koko and other members (I had a similar concern a couple months ago with building a certain Deck on budget), but Boxers are an idea if budget is a concern here (you'll have to put up with lack of 79 though); otherwise the general pieces shouldn't be too expensive (Extra is a bit high, but at the most, less than $1-2 each). As noted above, the Warrior support that comes with Boxers can carry over to Superheavies if you need to.



Or you can just buy 2-3 LS Decks, combine the parts that you need in there, and you should be fine. Although I can't really say if doing this is cheaper than buying whatever staples you need, but they do yield 2-3 Breakthrough Skills; and that's generally considered a staple here.

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Super heavy Samurais are machine monsters actually, And i have  few boxer cards, but my general experience is they lose to the deck i have now. (Ghostricks was my original budget deck. Somehow i pulled two Aulucards in a single tin and decided that i had to build them.) Chronomalies look amazing when using disk, but there is no guarantee when they're going to come out tcg. If there was any kind of set release date I'd being buy the deck right now before the price jump occurs. haha. otherwise i'm still debating. And i was thinking Machina gadgets, since i'd buy the machina cards and they'd be useful in any machine deck just about. Extra deck is expensive, especially rank 7 xyz that would be needed in Machina Gadgets. Superheavy is getting more support too, but still. hmmm

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