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Cool Girl

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So, The TV Show "Gotham" has been out for a while. Anybody watches it? I think its great because I'm a comic book nerd (well, not really a comic book nerd, I just love marvel movies and superhero TV shows like "The Flash" and "Arrow"). Let me know your thoughts on the TV Show.


But, these are my thoughts. I love Ben Mckenzie as Jim Gordon and all the other cast members. However, WARNING SPOILER: I don't really understand the ending of the "Lovecraft" episode where Jim is now a security guard in Arkham Asylum. That ending sucks! Hope the next episode they fix that or they hint something where Jim will return as a detective with Harvey Bullock! Luv Little Bruce, he's so cute! I also really like Selina Kyle, just wish they show that character more! But, still, really love the TV show! Look forward to seeing it again soon!

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I watched the first few episodes, before ultimately dropping the series. When I first heard the premise (essentially, "Batman" without Batman) I was really excited. For a long time now I've thought that the universe of Batman has so much more to offer, and that it really gets limited by the way everything always focuses around Bruce (which, after 75 years, is getting a little stale). The idea of being able to explore the world of Gotham without the overshadowing presence of Batman is still a great idea.


In execution, not so much. The show bored me. It had the elements of a police procedural without managing to make any of the stories interesting or suspenseful. It really suffers from prequel syndrome where I can't get invested in any of the characters because I already know what the end-game is. And the city itself....that really kills me. You name a show Gotham, and then you make the city of Gotham itself possibly the most bland looking generic backdrop you can imagine. Gotham is it's own character within the Batman universe, with it's own flavor. Generic Gotham worked well in the Nolan trilogy because the focus was Batman. Here, the focus is Gotham so give me Gotham, dammit! I went in expecting darkness, neon, fog, an atmosphere of noir with a hint of timelessness. I was looking for the hyper-stylized looks that marked Burton's Batmen, or the dark deco of BTAS. Instead I got what could have been one of any number of police procedural shows, but with awkward Batman references thrown in every 8 minutes.

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Now that I think about it...I do agree that in the episodes, they can change the story a bit. For example, instead of a regular police procedural, they can change it (I don't know how), but I have a feeling they've already tried to change the story (w/ Falcone and Maroni episodes goin' on) and it didn't really work out. I'll admit, some episodes were boring. I'm also curious to know how Selina Kyle will play out in "Gotham" (even though we know she is a witness, I still want to see her kick a** with Jim!) and the fact that she has a friendship with Ivy makes me even more curious as to how Ivy is involved in all of this) There is still a lot more that I want to see in this TV Show before or "maybe" dropping the series even though some episodes may be boring (Sorry for my grammar, but its still not an excuse, I'm 15 years old).

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