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Favorite Anime Openings- The Resurrection


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Never watched the show, but Phi Brain has some good openings.

<clearly edited version of good song>

how dare you connect now or never to phi brain instead of just being the best song by nano you saucy dragon




Also the best opening is clearly:




fite me

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how dare you connect now or never to phi brain instead of just being the best song by nano you saucy dragon



fite me

I do both. B)





I find this really nice despite being from a square anime


And to fix crud:


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  • 2 weeks later...

This season has some good ones.


Probably my favorite this season. When I finally noticed there was a post here it was exactly what I was dying to post.


Decided to give Kanon: Massive Chin Version a try and I'm really impressed with the OP, apart from said massive chins.


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My first glimpse of the VC anime, they did not capture Jann's fabulousness. And Isara... TT^TT


As much as I love BACK-ON, I think this is my favorite Build Fighters OP out of all of them.



Yeah, the VC anime strays A LOT from the original game (that it is supposed to be based on). Some of the most important events don't even happen in the anime.

But it really makes up for it by constantly portraying Damon as a pompous ass.

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But it really makes up for it by constantly portraying Damon as a pompous ass.

At least that's accurate. I was so happy when he got blown up.



Wait, that's not right.



There we go.

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