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[Hearthstone] Mech Mage Aggro

CLG Klavier

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2 Clockwork Gnome
2 Cogmaster
2 Mana Wyrm
2 Unstable Portal
2 Flamecannon
2 Frostbolt
2 Mechwarper
2 Snowchugger
1 Ironbeak Owl
2 Annoy-o-Tron
1 Duplicate
2 Harvest Golem
2 Tinkertown Technician
1 Fireball
1 Polymorph
1 Jeeves
2 Pilloted Shredder
1 Flamestrike
Realistically I still need Antonidas and Goblin Blastmage, but it's already been pretty damn good I must say. Feels good to finally have a nearly complete deck~ <3
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I'd end up taking out Ironbeak and Duplicate in favour of two Azure Drake if you have them, and definitely second Fireball over Polymorph. Although the Drakes might be optional here, since your deck is a bit more aggressive compared to the more competitive midrangey variant, replaces some of the removal and the Cogmasters for Spider Tanks and Mechanical Yeti.

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Stuff like Mechanical Yeti and Spider Tank is pretty important in this for keeping up tempo, especially when you open with Mechwarper since t2 mechwarper allows you to go into t3 tank + annoyotron / chugger. Tank's also just strong in case you miss Mechwarper since 4 health is super good vs specific decks.

I wouldn't recommend adding Drakes as it goes against the point of Jeeves while also being too high mana wise for the deck to sustain. It also doesn't really do a lot outside of the draw.

-1 Flamecannon
-1 Ironbeak
-1 Duplicate
-1 Harvest
-1 Polymorph

+2 Spider Tank
+2 Mechanical Yeti
+1 Fireball

This should help quite a bit. Also Jeeves could arguably be at 2 but that's more of a thing that you should figure out whether you need it or not through testing.

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Stuff like Mechanical Yeti and Spider Tank is pretty important in this for keeping up tempo, especially when you open with Mechwarper since t2 mechwarper allows you to go into t3 tank + annoyotron / chugger. Tank's also just strong in case you miss Mechwarper since 4 health is super good vs specific decks.

I wouldn't recommend adding Drakes as it goes against the point of Jeeves while also being too high mana wise for the deck to sustain. It also doesn't really do a lot outside of the draw.

-1 Flamecannon
-1 Ironbeak
-1 Duplicate
-1 Harvest
-1 Polymorph

+2 Spider Tank
+2 Mechanical Yeti
+1 Fireball

This should help quite a bit. Also Jeeves could arguably be at 2 but that's more of a thing that you should figure out whether you need it or not through testing.

I'll go with the Tanks for now since I lack Yetis surprisingly (I could swear I had them). Anyways, Jeeves was something I put in solely because I pulled a gold one (bling bling) but it turned out perfect 1-of for the deck. I don't get to empty my hand THAT often, so I wouldn't run another one anyways.

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The reason aggro mage became a thing was Echo: It allows you to refill your hand so you can continue to make use of your mana for several turns despite having a very low curve. Why no Echo? This Deck really doesn't feel it's making any serious use out of being a mage.

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The reason aggro mage became a thing was Echo: It allows you to refill your hand so you can continue to make use of your mana for several turns despite having a very low curve. Why no Echo? This Deck really doesn't feel it's making any serious use out of being a mage.

- The first part isn't true. Echo allowed Control Mage to be a thing, not Aggro Mage. Jeeves is one of the things that allowed Aggro Mage to be a thing due to the fact that it gives you consistent life vs control match-ups. Echo is too slow and often doesn't give you anything that you really need.
- It makes serious usage out of being a mage as Snowchugger is one of the reasons you play it due to it's text basically saying that you win vs any weapon deck so long as your board isn't threatened, the removal it has is incredibly cost efficient and a lot stronger than most other classes while the Hero Power allows it to not lose in stuff like the mirror or vs hunter as you can just ping away the 1 health minions that remain from clear-up turns.

Also I just realized that Azure Drake was played in StrifeCro's version of Mech Mage so I take back my previous point about it not being good in this, but if you do go for Drake then I wouldn't recommend continuing to play Jeeves.
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