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[MtG] Daily Previews 31/12


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Interesting Uncommons...Blue, Black and Suprinsingly Red one seems the best of the Bunch
Dang I was expecting a Bear-Dragon As the Temur Dragon oh well...D:
Khans Mode is Beautiful Though

I mean, on the other hand, we literally got a moose dragon, so who's to complain. And it's a she. What an ugly, beautiful dragon.
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So, does anyone else think that the clans will be making a color shift in DTK? MaRo said he couldn't reveal the specific reason why the clans were centered the way they were (Abzan on white, Jeskai on blue, etc.) I think the uncommon creature article is forecasting a shift to the following. That, as well as the fact that all the mythics we've seen so far line up as follows:

Abzan: Green focused, WB supplementing
Jeskai: White focused, UR supplementing (Soulfire Grand Master, Monastery Mentor and Wandering Champion are white)
Sultai: Blue focused, BG supplementing (Temporal Trespass and Marang River Prowler are blue)
Mardu: Black focused, RW supplementing (Battle Brawler is black)
Temur: Red focused, GU supplementing ("Sorcerer of the Great Hunt" is red)

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