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short-sighted people be like:

[css=text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,55][css=color: transparent]blurry woah[/css][/css]


>YCM allows CSS codings

ya it did all along.

Although, now I've added the background image option in a more accessible format.


[bg=image link]your content here[/bg]
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[image=http://s15.postimg.org/3omb9raq3/Nw_Gift_To_Aix.png]left[/image]testing testing, I'm hoping my text can wrap around this image...
Did it work?
Okay, this is a problem.

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[column=So, lets see if columns are possible, why is this so much bigger asodjoaish asgasd asdf ashahasd asdfa sgasdhsa dgasdgasdf ashahadsgha sdfa shasdg asdf ashsad gdiohas ofasdga shdasd fasdg]Hmmmmm.... asiojdg oiashd goihasiod jfiagg aisjdgad ghasidujgf jsgdf kahjsdk hgaksjd hgohioo aisdjo iasjdi ogjai osjgioaj

[spoiler=spoiler inside a column]asdfasgashasfgasg[/spoiler][/column]

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