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Because Spellbooks Need More Sack - Destroyer Prophecy: Now with More Reasoning!

Sir Yamiegg

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The deck uses Needlebug, Trooper, Kuribandit and Fool to an extent to mill Spellbooks, spam Destroyers, make Rank 6s and recycle stuff with Twer/Eternity/Master copying Eternity. At the moment I'm unsure about Temperance; he's an instant World/beater, but if World is somewhere else he loses most of his value; He can't utilise Reaper's best effect either. Don't suggest more Blue Boy, please, because you need your Normal Summon for better things.


Side is not a real side, just stuff I'm testing out/considering. The only really bad draw in the Deck is World. You can manage drawing Reaper, but if you draw World you're stuck with a dead card for the rest of the game, and a great and highly valuable resource nonexistent... that's why I'm considering Wind Blast, but I have no space. I'm also on the fence about 1 vs 2 Wisdom.


Suggestions, criticism, etc. all welcome and very much appreciated.

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