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[YDF] Yugioh Designer Format - Phase 3 - Set 1 Card Creation


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Ok; I think Duel Portal is going to be the #1 priority. We'll get things on there to make sure it's playable and to start the balance tweaking.


YGOPro will be something we do when we have time. Some cards will be missing or altered (the Green Rose change is fine), because it's not worth anyone pulling their hair out on this format's scripting. Worth doing for most of them though, I imagine. 


EDIT: Can I also get some feedback on the Fiend contest submissions? Not on your own if you submitted one, of course, but some comments on the others is appreciated. 

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I too vote for DP.


Anyways, on the Fiend contest cards:



I think this is a bit too good for what we have so far. Aside of the lock with a copy of itself, it is a 2400-DEF wall that will punish anything that hits it or your Fiends/WATERs, and then protects those Fiends/WATERs from destruction by battle, which will be annoying for the opponent if he/she can't get over 2400 DEF and its monsters keep getting sundered.



Same as the previous entry, this looks like it is too powerful for the current state of the format because at worst it is an easy 2400-ATK beater, and a best it will revive Fiends to put more damage on board or potentially bring a boss back. Yes, you must have 3000 LP or less, but it is a strong effect.


Archdaemon Beast

This card is not impressive in my opinion. It can turn into a dangerous beater by leeching the ATK of a fellow Fiend, but it requires another Fiend on the hand to be live, and all what it does is plain beating, and only temporarily because the ATK boost will wear off.


Withering Demon

It is not exactly broken but I'm not a fan of its ability of discarding X number of cards to drop massive Sunders on the opponent. I mean, with just 2 discards you can drop 1000 ATK and render most opposing bosses harmless. It would be costly, but still an out against the opponent's ace cards. Then, even if the opponent manages to drop a bigger monsters during his/her turn to get over it, he/she cannot even enter Battle Phase or this monster will apply its Sunder effect again; technically, this card would be indestructible by battle, forcing the opponent to spend effect removal cards on it.


Malicious Bringer

This looks balanced and I would say it is better at sundering than the previous entry: It drops a considerable sunder without discards, but affects itself to balance it out. Or you can spend a Tribute to drop it with 2400 and search for a Fiend boss. Really, I like this card's versatility.



I agree that the top candidates are Snowbomination, Whitering Demon and Malicious Bringer, but personally I would pick Malicious Bringer for its slight versatility and seemingly balanced effects. Whereas Snowbomination has that silly lock with itself and can be an annoying stall monster, and Whitering Demon can potentially render most opposing monsters useless with its constant BP sunders.

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Ok, so still looking at YGOPro:


If we use YGOPro, there's a few things we're going to have to do:

1) This will not fly with me: http://i.imgur.com/F1go3bd.png

We need naming conventions. If anyone submits a card script with "(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)" in it I might ask for an address so I can burn your house down. As far as I can tell they're at least fairly consistent between cards, so jump around a bit and try to figure out what each is referring to. This is what I've heard, might have a mistake or two:

   c - card
   e - effect
  tp - target player
  eg - event group
  ev - event value
  re - reason effect
   r - reason
  rp - reason player
  ep - effect player
 chk - check
chkc - check card

2) ID conventions:

Near as I can tell there is no rhyme or reason to the way the YGOPro cards get their IDs. We'll use a simple system like 1xxxxyyy, where xxxx is the set number (0000 for TCG imports, 0001 for current set, ect), and yyy is the card number in that set (001 for Semi-Heavy Storm). 


3) Comments:

If I can't tell what the effect is doing by reading the script and its comments, I'll reject it. Comment any code that needs it so we can more readily modify/reuse it later.


4) Version Control:

We'll use Git or something, we aren't going to be passing around scripts on Mediafire. If you don't know how to use Git and have any interest in programming/scripting, it's more than worth your time and the main thing I got from my Uni degree was the lesson 'use sodding version control', it's not that hard.

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I vote for Malicious Bringer for the great interaction it can make with the fiends on this Set. Devil's Contract + plus this becomes the perfect trap if you don't have anything on the field when your opponent summon a thing, make them skip the BP surviving the battle, sunder the summoned monster and can add Nightmare Daemon to the hand next turn. And even if not used with contract, he will never be a dead draw. Great support for the fiends. Withering Demon don't support Fiends in a great way, plus its -1 to activate the effect kills me. Snowbomination is ok and all but you must create some sort of setup to pull out a lockdown with him, making him less viable to use. Plus, i don't like LP gain effect on fiends that much, they fit more on Fairy or something. Bellua's main problem is what Griffin already said, it is too easy to come. Really, summon Dark Prince, send 1 DARK and bam, you now have a 2400 body on the field without much effort. Archdaemon Beast is a card I made so I won't comment on it since I can't vote for it.


My vote goes for: Malicious Bringer

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We need naming conventions. If anyone submits a card script with "(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)" in it I might ask for an address so I can burn your house down. As far as I can tell they're at least fairly consistent between cards, so jump around a bit and try to figure out what each is referring to. This is what I've heard, might have a mistake or two:


I don't get it, every script uses the exact same variable names, the list you posted seems correct. What is the problem?

The effect your posted is gorz, isn't it? The names are to do with the three effects, their conditions, targets and operation. The first is about gorz himself, and the second two are for the token/burn effect. every card uses the same conventions eX for effect number.

It'd best to probably stick to how the official scripts name stuff, it'll also be easier that way to get them checked by someone skilled at scripting.


(gorz's effect is ridiculously complicated though, but that's the card's fault, not ygopro's.)




2) ID conventions:

Near as I can tell there is no rhyme or reason to the way the YGOPro cards get their IDs. We'll use a simple system like 1xxxxyyy, where xxxx is the set number (0000 for TCG imports, 0001 for current set, ect), and yyy is the card number in that set (001 for Semi-Heavy Storm). 

well, the ygopro cards get their IDs from that card passwords, lol. I suggest not changing the passwords of the TCG imports, except perhaps those with effects changed, since the passwords are printed on the card itself. (It also helps for deck .ydk consistency, in case there are common cards that someone wants to import from a build,)


The biggest reason you probably don't want to change the card IDs of the TCG imports is that you'll have to change the numbers inside every script, since all work with card IDs.


As for newer cards, we can use 9 or 10 digit passwords - an eight-digit password has a possibility of clashing with one of the existing scripts in YGOPro, since Konami's passwords are completely random. 10-digit would be the safest because even anime cards have only 9-digit passwords max, so one can simply copy over their scripts directory from the original version and we can keep the new files as an add-on.



3) Comments:

If I can't tell what the effect is doing by reading the script and its comments, I'll reject it. Comment any code that needs it so we can more readily modify/reuse it later.


fair enough.

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Supply Force is level 3.


I don't get it, every script uses the exact same variable names, the list you posted seems correct. What is the problem?

The effect your posted is gorz, isn't it? The names are to do with the three effects, their conditions, targets and operation. The first is about gorz himself, and the second two are for the token/burn effect. every card uses the same conventions eX for effect number.

It'd best to probably stick to how the official scripts name stuff, it'll also be easier that way to get them checked by someone skilled at scripting.


(gorz's effect is ridiculously complicated though, but that's the card's fault, not ygopro's.)


Nah, we're fixing the wording. It might eventually reach a point of being 'okay' for us when we get used to the arcane and unexplained variable names, but until then and to anyone else joining and trying to script, it's a big barrier to understanding things and a waste of scripter's time to write extra comments for a probably-still-more-ambiguous effect. I imagine experienced scripters would also find it easier to check, even if they don't use it often, or at least no different.



well, the ygopro cards get their IDs from that card passwords, lol. I suggest not changing the passwords of the TCG imports, except perhaps those with effects changed, since the passwords are printed on the card itself. (It also helps for deck .ydk consistency, in case there are common cards that someone wants to import from a build,)


The biggest reason you probably don't want to change the card IDs of the TCG imports is that you'll have to change the numbers inside every script, since all work with card IDs.


We can fix that with a few greps. I think the format is different enough from the TCG that we don't expect anyone to be importing half-Decks from it. 


As for newer cards, we can use 9 or 10 digit passwords - an eight-digit password has a possibility of clashing with one of the existing scripts in YGOPro, since Konami's passwords are completely random. 10-digit would be the safest because even anime cards have only 9-digit passwords max, so one can simply copy over their scripts directory from the original version and we can keep the new files as an add-on.


That's fair. Just add an extra x and y - we're unlikely to use that many cards ever, but it won't hurt.


fair enough.

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Can you give me an example of 'fixed wording'? I'm not sure I exactly follow.

I randomly picked Soul Release from the cards near the top of the TCG imports and converted it into a sanely written file. This is 1000000009.lua:
--Soul Release
function c1000000009.initial_effect(card)
	local effect1=Effect.CreateEffect(card)

--Get the targets when the card is activated
function c1000000009.target(effect,target_player,event_group,event_player,event_value,reason_effect,reason,reason_player,check,check_card)
--If a target card is passed to the function, its valid if its in the Grave and can be removed from play
	if check_card then return check_card:GetLocation()==LOCATION_GRAVE and check_card:IsAbleToRemove() end
--Otherwise, if check is 0, there must be an existing removable target in either players Grave
	if check==0 then return Duel.IsExistingTarget(Card.IsAbleToRemove,target_player,LOCATION_GRAVE,LOCATION_GRAVE,1,nil) end
--Finally, if check isnt 0 and theres not targetted card passed, we use hint to indicate removable cards and ask the player to select up to 5
	local group=Duel.SelectTarget(target_player,Card.IsAbleToRemove,target_player,LOCATION_GRAVE,LOCATION_GRAVE,1,5,nil)

--When the effect is activated, get all the targets that still relate to the effect (still face-up in grave and can be removed), and remove them.
function c1000000009.activate(effect,target_player,effect_group,effect_player,event_value,reason_effect,reason,reason_player)
	local group=Duel.GetChainInfo(0,CHAININFO_TARGET_CARDS)
	local sub_group=group:Filter(Card.IsRelateToEffect,nil,effect)
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Was able to script Re-Flip slightly differently, as



Target 1 face-up Flip monster you control: Flip it face-down and then face-up again. During the End Phase: destroy that target. You can only activate 1 "Re-Flip" per turn.


if that's okay.


also picture:






Btw do we have a logo yet?

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That's fine for Re-FLIP in YGOPro - I don't expect everything to work 'properly' in it, especially not while we're still learning.

We don't have a logo - one would be great. I was going to go for graphics/banners/ect when we had the boss contest finished so we could use that in some of the art, but I think a logo can be done before that.

So, had a group project presentation for uni today which is why I've been a touch quiet this week, done with that now:

- I'll get a Github set up tonight or tomorrow, so we can upload these scripts.

- I'm going to be re-writing a bunch of the TCG imports with standard IDs, actual variable names, and formatting.

- I'm extending the Rank 4 contest to Tuesday morning, please consider posting a card there since it's probably the most important card in the format

- I'll poke seattleite about getting us on Duel Portal for testing

- Something I really want in this project is sample Decks/deck guides so new players can get into the dueling part more quickly and learn what cards are important in whatever meta that grows up. Anyone willing to help with those?

The TODO list for people to help is:

1) Submit a card(s) to the Rank 4 contest.
2) Find/make card art for existing cards, we're generally okay with renaming cards to fit good art
3) Check wording on cards if you're confident with it
4) Script cards if you know how & upload them to Github
5) Add cards to Duel Portal once we're on there
6) Build sample Decks, which can be refined as people get better at the format (we're all noobs)

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On the basis of a suggestion made earlier in this thread, I was able to script Multi-Gene Mutant like this:

This card is treated as if it belongs to every Type.





Tried making a logo, and came up with this, inspired by the Duel Arena logo, it's simple but I like it:




It was actually made to put on the cards, again inspired by Duel Arena. That way, it's easier to recognize cards belonging to this project if anyone stumbles upon a screenshot and ③ it looks cool.


Here's an example.




Also, here are more artworks:





Reverse Void

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I like the logo, gonna shove it in OP although we'll be moving to a new topic soon. Not sure if I want it covering part of the image, although any advertisement we can get is good. On which note: YCM is a small forum. At some point we'll want to either move it to a larger Yugioh forum or at least advertise it on one. Probably once we're happy with the first set so people aren't turned away due to untested cards.

Added the images to the sheet. I really like Restock having art from other cards in the format.

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A thought occured to me: given our current amount of extra deck monsters, every extra deck will look almost identical. Would it be possible to have a smaller set on the side, while set one is being implimented, of which all cards must be either a Tuner, Synchro or Xyz(fusions are usually deck specific). This would flesh out the extra deck and give some options for more intresting deckbuilding. It would be about 50-60 cards. I would be happy to help facilitate this if people would want me too(altough no offense taken if people would prefer if I didn't).


Also I feel set 1 needs a name......Dunno what though.


Also some art btw.



Ambush Spider



Pure wing Baby Dragon



Gaia's Garden



Brightspark Demon


Conduit Magetech_mage_guy_by_spiffyart-d748wky.png


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Corrupted Griffon



The Land of Corporealizing Shadows (Didn't found a better image, but can use another name for the card if something suits better)




kinda tired of looking for pictures now, will try more later. and also have to finish my Xyz for the contest lol 


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Cosmic Sage

Living Fossil of Power

Living Fossil of Knowledge (updated to be more water-y)


These cards have now been scripted:
Cosmic Sage: I was unable to keep the card affecting the target while it remained in face-down position, so the effect is now:
FLIP: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; change it into face-up Defense Position. While you control this face-up card, it cannot change its battle position or Tributed.
Chef of Heaven's Banquet. This seems to be working, simply copied Granadora's effect and removed the damaging part.
Corrupted Griffon: Ugh this was such a pain. After wasting about 5hrs it seems to work now, but since Spell/Trap cards can't return to the field, a slight modification makes this the effect:
While in your hand or face-up on the field, this card is also WIND-Attribute. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 other card you control; return that target to the hand. Then, if the returned card was a monster: Target 1 monster on the field; banish that target until the next Standby Phase.


It'd be great if someone could test out this effect in case I missed anything out (use DataEditorX or Outlaw's ultimate ygopro manager to add a new card or edit an existing card):


edit: Nope *#&$ the effect still seems to work erratically- sometimes does, sometimes doesn't. if someone could fix this it'd be great, i'm done #&%^


[spoiler=Effect code]

--Corrupted Griffon
function c1000000011.initial_effect(c)
    --Changes the attribute to WIND
    local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c)
    e1:SetRange(LOCATION_MZONE+LOCATION_HAND) --Applied while in the hand and face-up on the field
    --Effect to return cards to the hand
    local e2=Effect.CreateEffect(c)
    e2:SetCode(EVENT_SUMMON_SUCCESS) --activates when it is Normal Summoned
function c1000000011.target(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk,chkc)
    if chkc then return chkc:IsLocation(LOCATION_ONFIELD) and chkc:IsControler(tp) and chkc:IsAbleToHand() end
    if chk==0 then return Duel.IsExistingTarget(Card.IsAbleToHand,tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD,0,1,e:GetHandler()) end
    local g=Duel.SelectTarget(tp,Card.IsAbleToHand,tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD,0,1,1,e:GetHandler())

function c1000000011.operation(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
    local c=e:GetHandler()
    if not Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(Card.IsAbleToHand,tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD,0,1,e:GetHandler()) then return end
    local tc=Duel.GetFirstTarget()
    if tc:IsRelateToEffect(e) then
        if tc:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) then
            local dg=Duel.GetMatchingGroup(Card.IsAbleToRemove,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,LOCATION_MZONE,nil)
            if dg:GetCount()>0 and Duel.IsExistingTarget(Card.IsAbleToRemove,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,LOCATION_MZONE,1,nil) then
                --Prevent the targets from conflicting!
                local g=Duel.SelectTarget(tp,Card.IsAbleToRemove,tp,LOCATION_MZONE,LOCATION_MZONE,1,1,nil)
                local tc2=Duel.GetFirstTarget()
                if tc2:IsRelateToEffect(e) and Duel.Remove(tc2,tc2:GetPosition(),REASON_EFFECT+REASON_TEMPORARY)~=0 then
                    --Effect to return the banished card to the field
                    local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c)
                    --Add a counter
--Condition to return the card
function c1000000011.retcon(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)
    --If two turns have passed
    return Duel.GetTurnCount()==e:GetLabel()
function c1000000011.retop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp)


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The TODO list for people to help is:

1) Submit a card(s) to the Rank 4 contest.
2) Find/make card art for existing cards, we're generally okay with renaming cards to fit good art
3) Check wording on cards if you're confident with it
4) Script cards if you know how & upload them to Github
5) Add cards to Duel Portal once we're on there
6) Build sample Decks, which can be refined as people get better at the format (we're all noobs)


Hmm let see what I can do here...

1) done.

2) will try to find more.

3) this seems to be my field, gonna do.

4) haven't coding stuff for almost half a year so most likely to pass this.

5) Sea said something about CCG.

6) gonna do once 5) is done.


With that said.

[spoiler='Some help on wording']

[spoiler="Neko Mane Queen"]

2 Level 1 monsters
While this card is in face-up Defense Position OR while it has Xyz Materials, it cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card battles a monster while it is in face-up Defense Position, change it to face-up Attack Position after damage calculation. When you do: Detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, and if you do, it gains 1000 ATK. When this card in your possession is sent to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect during your turn (except during the End Phase): It becomes the End Phase of this turn, and if it does, skip your opponent 's next turn.


[spoiler="Serenity, Flow of Battle"]

2 Level 2 monsters
You can also using Normal Monsters whose Levels are 1 and/or 3 for this card Xyz Summon. This card gains 500 ATK and DEF for each Xyz Material attached to it that was originally Normal Monster. Once per turn, before the damage calculation: You can negate the battle. The controller of the attacking monster gains Life Points equal to its ATK. If this card is destroyed by battle while it has Xyz Material: Special Summon 1 monster that was attached to this card as an Xyz Material from your Graveyard and gain Life Points equal to its ATK.


[spoiler="Achaekek - The Red Mantis"]

2 Level 6 monsters
During either player's turn, if this card has at least 2 XYZ Materials attached to it: You can banish 1 Trap Card whose activation timing is correct from your Graveyard; activate its effect, then detach all Xyz Materials from this card. You can only use the effect of "Achaekek - The Red Mantis" once per turn.


[spoiler="Drillmaster Xanian"]

If a Warrior-Type monster on the field has been destroyed since your last End Phase, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing, but its original ATK becomes 2100. When another face-up Warrior-Type monster you control battles an opponent's Monster: You can activate this effect; that monster gains 500 ATK and DEF, but it is destroyed during the End Phase.

[spoiler="Supply Force"]

You can also Normal Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. When another Warrior-Type monster is Summoned to your side of the field: Draw 1 card. You can only use the effect of "Supply Force" once per turn. If this card is destroyed by battle, skip your next Draw Phase.

[spoiler="Shield-Bearer Tonli"]

This card gains 200 DEF for each other Warrior-Type monster you control. Once per turn: You can change this card's Battle Position. Once per turn, if another monster you control is attacked: You can change the attack target to this face-up card instead.

[spoiler="Mirror Chevalier"]

When this card loses ATK and/or DEF by a card effect: You can target another face-up monster on the field; it loses ATK and/or DEF by the same amount. When this card gains ATK and/or DEF by a card effect: You can target another face-up monster on the field; it gains ATK and/or DEF by the same amount. You can only use each effect of this card once while it is face-up on the field.


[spoiler="Army's Rallying Horn"]

Once per turn, if you would draw a card(s), you can add 1 Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand instead. Once per turn, when the equipped monster is attacked: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your hand, and if you do, change the attack target to the Summoned monster.

[spoiler="Throw Weapon"]

Target 1 monster you control that was equipped with an Equip Spell Card(s); this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle, also if that monster was a Warrior-Type, it gains 500 ATK. During the End Phase: Destroy 1 Equip Spell Card equipped to that monster.

[spoiler="Mahaifinsa, Father of Dragons"]

If this card is Special Summoned, its DEF becomes 0. If another card effect that would destroy a face-up Dragon-Type monster(s) on the field is activated: You can sunder this card by 1000, and if you do, negate that effect. If this card is destroyed by its own effect: You can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster with 2000 or less ATK from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position.

[spoiler="Uwar, Mother of Dragons"]

This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Dragon-Type monster. When this card is Tribute Summoned: You can add 1 Level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

[spoiler="Devouring Dragon"]

Once per turn: You can send 1 other card you control to the Graveyard; this card gains 800 ATK and DEF.

[spoiler="Solitary Dragon"]

During the End Phase, if you control another monster: Send this face-up card to the Graveyard.

[spoiler="Vishap Attendant"]

This card gains these effects, depending on the Level of the Dragon-Type monster you control with the highest Level.
● 4: This card can be treated as 2 Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a Dragon-Type monster.
● 5+: This card gains 600 ATK, also it cannot be targeted for an attack while you control another monster.
● 7+: This card gains 700 ATK, also if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.


[spoiler="Dragon's Cunning"]

If your opponent controls 2 or more monsters and you control only 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster: Until the next End Phase, that monster you control cannot be targeted by card effects, also if it would be destroyed, return it to the hand instead. During your next Standby Phase after you activated this card, if you control that face-up monster: Draw 1 card,


[spoiler='Dragon Descent']

If a Level 6 or lower Dragon-Type monster you control is targeted by a card effect: Shuffle that monster into the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster with the same Attribute and Level but different name than the shuffled monster from your Deck.


I guess that's all for today, probably do more when I have time and urge.


btw you can mark any cards submitted by me (i.e. Shadow Corruption, Holy Pillar, Pure Wing and Tamed Agile) as wording checked.


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