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Seeing Your Old Posts

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This has been bugging me for a while, so I'll start with a question (even though that's another section):
Is it possible to make it to where we can see all of our old posts? I know we can see it with likes, and a few recent posts, but...
If not, ok. If we can, why not?


It's nothing major and I doubt it would see much use, but you know…just thought it might be interesting.

Granted, it took me hours just to get through some likes.


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If you can remember the names of said posts, then you can just search them yourself; regardless of time constraints.


Probably some of you are tired of hearing this, but you did have the option of looking back at VERY old posts back on MyBB.

But it would be nice to see though; not sure how many people will actually play with it.

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