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What'd You Get For the Holidays?


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After seeing this, I looked it up and told my mom because we love Zelda and collect monopolies.

She smacked herself because she forgot about it, despite meaning to surprise my sister and I with the Deluxe Edition from GameStop, which she went to yesterday but forgot why.

Rip, hopefully getting soon

Oh yeah, I got's the Collector's edition or whatever


And finally, a monopoly of my own to keep up with ='D

I had the Transformers one, but that saw a lot of use.

Hope you get it, mate.

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  • New pair of shoes (Sketchers)
  • Digital camera
  • Portable charger (because I forget to charge my electronics as of late)
  • Box of chocolate
  • $50
  • $25 gift card to McDonalds
  • Jar of butter cookies
  • Popcorn / large shortbread cookie
  • Rice crackers/arare
  • More chocolate (assorted generics)


Latter half of stuff came from some students at the martial arts club I help teach, coupled with instructor and one of the assistants alongside me.



Nothing really major, but I more/less got a lot of stuff I wanted already.

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I got:

  • Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII
  • Dead or Alive Dimensions
  • Assorted stuff for my dog
  • A pair of socks
  • A chocolate Santa (this I am glad for as last year I got 3 boxes of the same chocolates, also didn't help they were expensive ones)
  • Yu-Gi-Oh cards
  • A couple of books
  • Bleach season 4
  • A card binder (no sleeves, though I will be getting some soon

The only other present I haven't got yet is in a sorting office somewhere as it was being shipped from Japan, though from what I can tell it is most likely poster of some kind due to it being the only thing I want which would have to be shipped from there.

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$250 dollars from my grandparents.

         -Used it to purchase Kirby Triple Deluxe and some small things I needed, at about $115 now.

$50 dollar Steam giftcard.

         -Used about $12 to purchase the Binding of Isaac Rebirth and Super Meat Boy, trying to decide what else to purchase now.

$60 dollars in cash.


I... Only asked for a twenty dollar Steam giftcard ;-;

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I got:


-2 Hoodies from American Eagle

-Abercrombie & Fitch all-Season Jacket

-Training Sweatshirt from Techgear

-$25 Google Play Gift Card

-A Table Tennis set

-Lacoste Eau de Toilette


-A pair of Nike shoes

-$250 in cash

-Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth


...And no Wii U sadly. Guess I gotta save up, but my parents and relatives never really know what I'm into, so I usually get stuff I already have and video games are pretty rare. But it's the thought that counts~

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Without trying to go off too topic here, I'm curious-

Why do people get others gift cards?
Wouldn't straight up cash be better in almost every single way?

Rather than a card of equal value limited to one store.


Probably as a convenience thing, since cash is easily stolen + used for essentially whatever you want.

But yeah, straight up cash is good since it doesn't require you to guess what the person would like.


(This is essentially what my parents do now; the latter [green money], even though they can probably guess my likes by now)



I almost forgot about that signature Night made me for the Secret Santa thing for whatever I got this year, though.

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An okay pair of Bose headphones that hopefully won't break in a few months.

Giftcard to Potbellys which hopefully has enough on it for at least 3-4 sandwiches.

One of those metal headscratcher things.

Pajama pants I had been needing

$250 cash

Some candy.

And some more money once I remind my mother she owes me $80 and I get my paycheck with an 11 hour, time-and-a-half shift on it sometime next week.


Oh, also 2 pairs of dress socks.


Was a pretty cheap Christmas between each member of my family this year. They generally don't buy me games or anything electronic since I rarely, if ever, tell them what I want/need (mainly because if I want or need something, I've bought it already). Made back the $165 I spent on all of them so a net positive (definitely how I should be framing this. DEFINITELY)

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