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The Duelist of the Roses [Plant-Synchro]


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x1 Copy Plant

x3 Crane Crane

x1 Dandy

x2 Gigaplant

x1 Glow-Up

x2 Lonefire

x2 Rose Lover

x3 Rose Paladin

x1 Spore

x3 Hermitree

x2 Twilight Rose Knight

x1 Tytannial


x1 Foolish

x1 Mark of the Rose

x2 MST
x1 One for One

x2 RotA

x1 Soul Charge

x3 Trade-In

x3 Upstart


x2 Breakthrough Skill

x3 CotH


Plant Synchro never has been more powerful and resourceful. For Paladin, you can basically have RotA search Hermitree, then dump it with Trade-In or use with Rose Lover to SS from hand. Hermit can easily dump plant fodder like Glow-Up and Spore to the Grave, despite the luck factor, and he's easy to use in multiples to get Rank 8s. Crane Crane because Meliae and Leviair are are helpful tools when it comes to setting up the spam play, while Leviair returns Lover or a banished Plant from Mark of the Rose/Spore.


Twilight Rose Knight is here cause I got RotA so...why not. He does make good use for a Rank 3 or Synchro 6/7 play. He can get cloggy sometimes when I don't have other plants in my hand, especially when its only good during the opening so maybe I'll get rid of one of them. Gigaplant cause Rose Lover shenanigans, while CotH during the EP of opp turn gives some leverage. Gigaplant isn't very versatile as to CotH, but lategame they are deadly, and its worth lasting out since you're setting Plants in the Grave. But I could dim down copies of those 2 as well.


And Tytannial cause...why the hell not. A Trade-In fodder with beatstick power that can rival Goyo and can stop Honor Ark is pretty good.

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have you tried clear wing, I've been finding it a great 1 copy tech to counter extra deck answers to my syncrhos, since it has the negation abilites to stop both level+5 and highers, as well as targeting effects that go for your synchros. and as an added bonus is gets an ATK buff for the turn he does it too.


He wasn't on DN when I made the deck; Only when Premium Pack was added. But I would always add Clear Wing as a Level 7 staple; No s**t.

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