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Marco Polo's Card-art ;) [Gallery]

Marco Polo

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I'm happy to open this thread to maybe help some people find suitable card art, I do it for fun btw.

Marco Polo's Card-Art Gallery ;)

Free for use, updates once every while when I manage to get something done. 


Orea_Blood_Effec2t.jpg YGO_Slug.jpg YGO_High_Fairy_Ellale.jpg Flying_Onikotori.jpg onigami_yosenju_by_xstutzx_d88ojdz.jpg

Here's my DeviantArt page for more:


have fun, not the shiny thread I imagined but that's coz' I'm kinda tired, phew. :P

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The figures look pretty stoke, but the backgrounds are just obtrocious and looks like you just pasted these on to the background. They lack the elements and basics of art to be anything. Try to experiment with incorporating the figures in the style of background. Manipulate the art with a foreground, mid ground and background to sustain the elements. Really, just learn about them for this work and work with them. Good luck, mate. 

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The figures look pretty stoke, but the backgrounds are just obtrocious and looks like you just pasted these on to the background. They lack the elements and basics of art to be anything. Try to experiment with incorporating the figures in the style of background. Manipulate the art with a foreground, mid ground and background to sustain the elements. Really, just learn about them for this work and work with them. Good luck, mate.

It's intended. I didn't want a background as I was trying to imitate old yugioh card art, where you've got the figure and a background.
That and because I still don't feel secure enough to work on actual backgrounds
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Old YuGiOh art still incorporating the basics and elements of art. I can go off of how each element was used in Giant Rat and Golem Destroyer, but that wouldn't help you in the least, it would only support my claim. I want you to experiment, venture out and try new things. Don't be scared or insecure about learning and creating something since you can always just redo it when you don't enjoy what was created. My only advice for you now is to attempt something and not keep to the same basics, or you will never learn and become better. The figures are awesome and would be great without anything the background. When you incorporate lighting, the shading and color saturation would change, etc, but that doesn't matter when the figures are just transparent pngs. To create a piece is to establish the basics and elements and use them to your advantage, express them in your own way. You have a starting point, so work toward the final piece. 

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