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Whoo double post. But because forgot to mention (and people may have already checked the thread earlier)

Basically whenever you want a battle, ask. Most likely I can. Unless it's late and I need to get writing done.


Also new week means (at least for me) new team~

Well, old team. First team I ever made for OU once X and Y tiers were fairly established, only had to make one change (cause Uber Mega-Mawile).

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Dat Static tho.


But anyway, yeah Dias and Oberon are just cruel.


First win of the week is mine! Come on peeps let's battle!

I'd like to challange Pacman and Trap, since I never battled them during my 3 battles.

I'd like to accept that challenge =D I'll be on for the next hour-ish, and then more later after I eat.

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I'm gonna PM all you scrubs involved in the tournament tomorrow to remind you this is a thing.

Anyway. Was battling the doge earlier and decided I would post a team I made and explain a bit about why I did what I did.

Monotype Bug Type. Chosen because I like Bugs and thought it would be easier than my favorite (Grass) type.


[spoiler=Long team stuffs]Accelgor @ Choice Specs
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Focus Blast
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Rock]


So I started with Accelgor. Mainly because I had used it before and it works well. I maxed out its Special Attack (With a + SA nature) because it has a massive 145 Base Speed. So it outspeeds enough things without a + Speed Nature I think. So I had settled on making it a fast and hard hitter. 100 Base Special Attack is good but not huge. So a Life Orb or Choice Specs is good to make it hit hard along with fast.

The moves, went with Bug Buzz for a really strong STAB. Focus Blast is usually nice for coverage. Giga Drain in case of Rock and me not wanting to miss Focus Blast. Plus if I can KO something with Giga Drain without being hit back, the life gain is helpful. Hidden Power Rock for other Bugs, Flying, and Fire.

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Knock Off
- U-turn


Usually want at least one really high defense Pokemon on your team, for both physical and special. (And most of them time, put EVs into the defense stat you want, and HP both or else it won't take hits nearly as well). Defog is pretty important, especially when I have a team full of Bugs. And Mega-Scizor is really good at it. Roost (and any recovery move) is helpful on defensive Pokemon. Knock Off is always good. And for Defensive Pokemon, they usually can take a hit and get rid of the opponent's item. U-Turn for STAB and the option to either escape or (more likely) take a hit and switch. Which allows it to move to a better match-up without the incoming Pokemon doing damage. (Course be careful when you choose to U-Turn or hard switch).

Armaldo @ Assault Vest
Ability: Battle Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Rapid Spin


See. Usually I want something fully Special Defensive. But for this particular team I decided that I wanted to not bother. It seems to be a good choice so far. Anyway, I did decide to have a Special wall of sorts. With Assault Vest. Now some people think "Oh Assault Vest increases Special Defense, I want to put points into SpD right?" It's usually not a great idea. Without the power that things like Life Orb gives, but only using attacking moves, you kinda need to fully invest in Attack or Special Attack. The rest in HP to make it a decent Special Wall.

When looking for something good with Assault Vest I noticed Armaldo. It's decently bulky, with 75 HP and 90 SpDef, and has a good enough Attack (125) to do damage without a powering-up item. And then his type helps a lot. Makes Flying and Fire neutral instead of SE like on many Bugs.

The moves. Rock and Ground is pretty great coverage. Aqua Jet can really help finish things off. (Especially those with Sturdy and Focus Sash) And Rapid Spin to help Scizor clear up hazards. Why no Bug STAB? Well, don't need it. Have plenty of other Bug types that it's best to have more coverage.

This guy is perfect against Galvantuala leads.

Durant @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aerial Ace
- X-Scissor
- Iron Head
- Superpower


I always like having a Choice Scarf on the team, if only to pick off weakened foes. And now for one of my favorites. I learned that Durant was amazing after a long while not knowing. 109 Attack and Speed is nothing to laugh at. Plus it has high Defense(112) so it can take some physical hits well. However its low HP (58) prevents it from walling at all. Hence focusing EVs on Atk and Spe. I wanted something with Choice Scarf and Durant is fast enough to make it outspeed things well and it's attack is good enough to hit hard. Especially with Hustle (Which boosts attack power and lowers accuracy) To that end. Aeriel Ace. Yes. Can't miss so it just gets the boost to power. Plus it's good for other Bugs, mostly it's to get a hit that you're sure will hit. X-Scissor for STAB power, as well as Iron Head. And Superpower. Because Fighting is a really good type for coverage (like Focus Miss).

Heracross @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Facade
- Megahorn
- Protect


Now I wanted to find a hard hitting physical attacker to punch holes in the opponents' team. Heracross' huge Attack as well as Guts just...not much can handle an attack from this guy. However it is relatively slow (85) so basically it mostly deals with slower walls, but if it can get an attack in, it hits hard. (This is not a great idea compared to something like Scarf+Moxie but I wanted to try it, especially as I had a Scarfed Pokemon already). The moves, easy. Protect is great to activate Flame/Toxic orbs without worry. Megahorn+Close Combat means powerful STAB. And Facade is a nice way of getting strong neutral hits, without worrying about the defenses drop or missing Megahorn.

Fighting/Bug means neutral to Rock which is good. Plus Fighting Stab deals with Steel really well.

Volcarona @ Lum Berry
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 240 HP / 252 SpA / 16 Spe
Timid Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Roost

Ahhh, now for the Special Sweeper. Accelgor punches walls this thing destroys whole teams if it gets set up. There are a lot of ways to go with the EV spread and this one is....different than others I've seen. The HP is to make it take a couple hits (Special hits, as its defense sucks) Max out its SpA and it does amazing damage with just one Quiver Dance. The Speed is just to give it a bit of a boost so that after 1-2 QD it can outspeed a lot of things.

Moves, simple. Duel Stab. Even resisted they can do a lot. And Fiery Dance can increase Special Attack more. Quiver Dance is best move. It lets the already Specially bulky Pokemon to take more Special hits while setting up. Roost just makes it even easier.

Lum is an odd one. And I've been told not to use it. But it often helps me either switch Volcarona in or get a free turn to set up.




Usually you want more than one thing that's physical/special. (5 physical attackers is usually not a great idea). And it's a good idea to have one thing good at taking physical, and one special, hits. Personally I say always have something with a Choice Scarf, and/or stuff with priority moves, to pick off things easier.

Oh and don't forget to try and make sure you have Pokemon that cover each other's weaknesses.

Not the greatest at explaining things. Not the best team builder but that's how I thought. Just figured I'd put this here....not sure why..um....That is all.

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At least it's a double post here. ^^

Yeah that match was cool, but the lag was annoying.

I suppose this team has earned the right for me to consider it my most competitive team?




So now I got all my battles.

UE and Kyng have 2. Pacman has 1 and Trap and Button have none. Seems familiar for this tournament. XD

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Unfortunately due to side projects becoming more interest, as well as not really having a competitively viable team (:c) I am gonna be pulling out here, with a total of 1 wins to 5 loses, one forfeit. If you could update the OP with such CowCow that'd be fantastic.

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