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YCM GPT Match 4-2

Flash Flyer - Sakura

RNG, I am so going to kill you after this is over.   

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Psychic dragon Signer capable of attaining Over Top Clear Mind vs the fairy deer that reigns over life and light

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Yeah, I already figured that would be the case here.


Although it does suck to have 2 of my nominations killing each other; the good thing is that I'll have at least 1 representative going on to the quarterfinals, guaranteed.

Ideally, it would be great if they could force a tie + both move on, but let's see how things are.



Voted for Latios though, since I associate with him much more closely. (I didn't name my ORAS one after me for nothing)

I hate voting against my own nominations, but in this scenario, I have to support my Eon.

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Yeah, I like both of them too; hence why they're my nominations.

Though you can always be the tie vote in case one slips ahead, and you want to see both move on to Round 5.


Ideally, I'd like for that situation to happen: more nominations in the coming rounds, the better; but it's not my call.

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Funny thing is that I was going to remind you in a status message, but at least you remembered.


Assuming scores stay as they are; I can have both advance and at least have both my legendaries stay in.

Given what's happening in another match, legendaries are going to need some representation in Rounds 5 and beyond.

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Well, it appears that I can have my cake and eat it too now :D


In a 6-6 draw, both the Eon dragon of Altomare and the fairy god of Kalos, comrades forced to fight it out this round, advance to Round 5.

Perhaps this draw is of utmost importance, as it seems one of Latios's other partners has met its end against his sister's assassin, and one of them needs to be able to fight for the pride of all legends.


And for some post-match dialogue.


Latios: それは、オレ達の両方が第五の戦いに進むようだ。アブネだよ! (So, both of us are advancing to the 5th round of battles. That was a close one!)


Xerneas: そうです、我々が一緒に第五戦いに行きましょう。(Ah yes, let us both advance to the fifth fight together)


Latios: 行くぜ!第五戦闘へ! (Let's go! Towards the fifth fight!)

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