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Best Villian?

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Saiou had his moments' date=' like when he cheated against Judai by placing Arcana Force 0 - The Fool into his deck. Fujiwara was the best GX villian even better than the dude who possessed him, I mean creating an illusion so he could force Fubuki to reveal his darkness which happened when Fubuki 'drew' the duel (because Fubuki would not join him in darkness with his own will), then fade that illusion and proceeding to kick Fubuki's ass was harsh. Dude are you a dub fan or something? Kagemaru was probably the worst villian. Yubel I can understand why she/he did it, I did wince when even when told of HKR's heart condition she/he still didn't hold up on him.



ya i have no idea who those characters are cuz ive only watched the dub which sucks. man, i need to watch the raw cuz if you say the characters are that evil....im missing out. :)

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Wiki has its moments of being right, but not when it does summaries (anyone remember the Armed Dragon Lv 12 summary?). He was annoying, dueling over and over and over, he dueled more than Fubuki and Darkness....and Fujiwara and just about everyone who isn't Judai or Manjoume. Darkness had a good ally in him.


But it was nice to see FGD, and Black Meteor Dragon (its first appearance outside of War Of The Dragons), so it wasn't all that bad.

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Malik hasn't always been evil, but Yami No Malik (Darkness Of Malik) was born evil, expelling Yami No Malik allowed the good side of Malik to get through. Bakura has always been evil, heck he's part of Zork, the 'ultimate' evil.

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I just don´t wanna talk about GX and later series ... I didn´t even watched them, It´s just stupid and the hairstyles become even more stupid. And About the Marik-Bakura contest in this thread. I will vote defiantly for Yami Marik! He´s Evil, Insane and Powerful ... just like Sephiroth and thats what it need to be called a real vilian! And where would Bakura be, when Yugi didn´t kicked Mariks as*? He´s (Bakura) just to naive ... but i liked the scene in the first season, as he used the Man-Eater Bug to kill the guard of Pegasus >:D

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Well, I think Marik has proved, that he is better than Bakura. Bakura is more sneaking and I hate that. Do not think I hate Bakura, no, I think he´s one of the most interesting and coolest charackters in yugioh, but against Marik ... ?? I like Mariks lordly unshut kind of speaking. Remember the scene in the duel, when Bakura summoned Dark Necrofear, Bakura said somethin like this in the german episode: I will summon a monster with infinte evilness which doesn´t know any kind of mercy!" and then Marik: He, mercy is for weaklings, weaklings like you!" I love this kind of countering from Marik. And when he summons Ra, it has almost something epic. And about Zork, I don´t like the image ... he looks bad.

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Yes and Zork could just stand on him....issue solved big two headed monster who can breathe fire turn night to day and destroy the world (and is 3000 years approx older) vs. someone who wants to destroy the world.....I don't really think Marik compares with Zork tbh. Its dub 'nuff said. Pure Darkness Vs One Man's Inner Demons....

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