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~A Wanderer's Lair: EDH and MtG corner~


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Hello everyone! I’m Rodrigo, and here you’ll read all about my adventures in the Commander format, deck techs, a closer look on single cards, spoilers from new sets, and much more! Multiplayer Commander is a format designed to provide fun to its players, where a table full of cards you’d never see in the competitive scene of Magic truly shines. Wacky combos and even subtle card interactions make for a really entertaining style of game, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in a Commander game. This format is also known as EDH, or Elder Dragon Highlander, the original game given by the creators of the format, a group of Magic: the Gathering judges that wanted to make 100-card singleton decks based on the colors of each original Elder Dragon (Nicol Bolas, Vaevictis Asmadi, Arcades Sabboth, Chromium and Palladia-Mors). EDH became very popular once Wizards bought the idea and started releasing annual products directed for it, and that’s when it was renamed as Commander.


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