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Howdy all, I'm not exactly sure where this blog is really headed and whether or not I'd really call it a "blog" but I digress, I plan on going over some of the HTML tagging that is possible within Ip.Board and effectively how everything runs and why it's possible to do such things.
I'm not an expert, I just have experience working with it so my shit is likely to be flawed and vice versa I also might know a few tips or tricks, recently I've been working alongside Aix and Rai and we've been fucking around with the forum a bit (Yes the glowing name shit was my fault, I'm sorry)
The first few posts are really likely just going to be shit that I've already covered with them but in an attempt to make it more obvious what is actually happening when we are using these sort of tags and how they have an effect, I did have a test site I was going to show off but I believe that's trial has run off, so I might have to get a little fancy with that or find someplace else where I can show it off.
Okay-okay I bet you cheeky shits are like "get on with it you fuck" but this is an introductory post and all that fancy stuff so here we are, let us begin.
[spoiler=Part 1: Outerglows and Animations]So recently Aix stated that it wasn't possible to create glows and all this other sort of stuff, due to my ego and big dickness I wanted to prove him wrong... and I did. 
So the coding that you would usually used to create a glow/shadow using HTML tags is

<span style="color: (whatever color you want); text-shadow (again whatever color you want) 1px 1px 10px;"><strong>username/usergroup goes here</strong></span>

(this might not be 100% correct as this was done on the top of my head but you can create a html document and launch it in chrome or whatever to test that it works)
Now this may seem like garbled shit and I understand the confusion but basically to make this REALLY easy to understand is consider that SPAN = start code and the span style is what we want that code to run (I'm fairly sure it is also whatever area that it spans but you get the idea) the pixel sizes that it uses aren't 100% important I fucked around with it a bit on the test site and it really didn't make that much of a difference-if at all and obviously the colours are the colours (note I didn't use colours this is because I think the coding for some reason is forced to use american lingo but I may be chatting rubbish as I haven't really tested it) and textshadow is obviously the glow effect.
We were all getting all excited but didn't listen to me when I said that to make the shit look the best possible you have to use the same sort of colours to give it a nice effect this is because the way the code works and how it translates the colours of the font onto the shadow (which is basically what it is) so in future if you want to make it look less shit-do that.
Now you may also all notice the sparkles around usergroup titles and usernames on the online list, this is done with a similar code that forces the gif to play on the text, it works very similarly to how the outerglow effect works but I digress. 
The coding for it goes a little like this

<span style="color:red;background:url(http://i.imgur.com/WuFMfdQ.gif);"></span>

Now this is the butterfly effect we had playing for a short while (the only reason I'm using this one is because I'm too lazy to rewrite another set of code-anyhow you'll notice over the course of these posts that a lot of the coding works in a similar fashion with some concepts being a bit more different than others but for the most part it is all very similar.
Going off of the outerglow code you can kind of work what this does but to put it simply the background:url is literally just the image or animation that you want to use on the icon, the very interesting thing about this tag is that IN THEORY you could use whatever fucking image you want (and when I bribe the mods to give me my own usergroup so I can play around with AdminCP, I'll have Obama as my usergroup icon) however the biggest issue me, aix and rai faced is that a lot of the animations played clipped, this had something to do with the animation size and how it correlates to the space the animation has been given within the text-I have not yet figured out how to directly combat this (other than resizing the entire gif)
So for today's post you can kind of see what is what and how things have currently worked so far and hopefully you learned a bit about what is going on and how it's working. If you have any questions or need any help let me know and I'll be sure to give you the best answer I can (within reason)


[spoiler='Part 2 Marquee's and Buttonssss'] Howdy ho and merry xmas so I’m not exactly sure what this post is entirely going to consist of and as such I’m just going to write a bunch of shit and hopefully I can blow your FUCKING MINDS.


I mean I guess we can get started with some marquee effects and that sort of thing, now you may be thinking to yourself (Tormey you do this shit all the time and never fully explain yourself-well hold up!) the marquee effect is literally and animation of sorts that allows for different kind of effects, included but not limited to bouncing/falling/scrolling and I think there are a couple more that I've completely ignored because I'm very lazy.


The Marquee effect for bouncing goes a little like this: 

<marquee behavior="alternate">text here</marquee>

Much like before you can combine the tags to give you certain effects-for example you can have the outerglows/images etc the complexity in the coding lies within the combining of the codes as a lot of the stuff you put are very basic and simple to implement to combine them you just kind of have to "add them together" by that I mean you just place the tags around the text that you want, I think I mentioned this last time but I digress.


As i said there are a couple of effects for the marquee, the alternate creates the bouncing you want and to change it you have to change the text in quotations I think the list is: slide, scroll, alternate you can also change the direction of the animation which is an additional tag within the current code we have so It would be like this: 

<marquee  behavior="scroll" direction="up">I like flying and this blog is the best</marquee>

OBVIOUSLY this would cause the marquee to go in north direction of the page but you can also do down as well.


On to the buttons, I spoke to Rai and Aix about this as well, the buttons have some really interesting functions you can in theory create a button that will directly relink you to something else or create a specific action upon the button being pressed, Aix created it in a way that allowed the text to change and a pop up as well and this is the coding required:

<button type="button">BUTTON IS HEREEERERERERERER/button>

Obvious this button has no functionality it is just a button you can push however you can create on click alerts (which is the popup) and a bunch of other nifty things but I'm actually very lazy and I really cba going over it just yet perhaps I'll create another post at some point about the customization of buttons and other things.


To add the pop up it is like this: onclick="alert('This is wizardrryryyr and shizzle') that would go just after the "button" and would allow for the button to create the popup.


Hopefully this wasn't too boring for you all and hopefully you learned something!


Now.... tumblr_m0esaiZRDj1r6go8no1_500.gif [/spoiler]

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