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Look at What I Pulled!


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Congrats for pulling it.


Note to self; make sure I get my two copies of Sapphy [UR] from my dealer before they sell out again [along with extra copies of Ritual]

(UTR is $1.75 - 2; UR is about $1)

Thank you! It was only my 5th or 6th pack so I feel quite lucky. No OEPD though. :(


I'm not really into gaining lots of copies of a card, but this card seems worth it.

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If you can build a Deck around Sapphy, then it'll help you immensely.

Definitely Heralds run her in some form; currently experimenting with her in Hieratics if you're into that kind of thing.

I would really love to do that, by I don't own ANY Heralds OR Heratics. I guess I could try making it on DN or YGOPRO.
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