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[CFV] My Avatar - Multiple Avatars Theory

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Not too long ago, I got into quite the debate with my friend on some thoughts about Vanguard, all of which dealing with the Fighter's Avatar. The Avatar, the one unit in the Fighter's deck that represents who that Fighter is and what they hold dear to them, at least in my own opinion.


However, a thought crossed my mind that my friend thought wouldn't be possible. Now I bring it to you, to hear your thoughts on this.


[spoiler=The Theory]

There are the many theories of having multiple universes, continuities, and dimensions with different versions or very similar versions of oneself. Now, please for a moment take that into consideration as I speak about this thought. Different versions of yourself within these different dimensions and within each of these the presence of Vanguard was around. Now, because of this, would it not also be possible that that different version of yourself would control a different Avatar, there in essence, the REAL you having multiple Avatars for multiple versions of yourself?



The idea of this entertained me, as I could see myself in so many different ways: A king, a Liberator, a corrupt knight, a Timelord (for Gear Chronicle), etc.


What would you all think about this? Would it even be possible?


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