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The Central YCM Stock Exchange


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I'ld like to sell all my Anime&Manga. (100) Thank you.

Transaction complete.

Sellin' all me stocks.

Unfortunately, the system told me that you are incapable of doing Personal Messages, which are the means in which points are transferred. Please find a way to remedy this before your 580 points can be given.


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Transaction complete.

Unfortunately, the system told me that you are incapable of doing Personal Messages, which are the means in which points are transferred. Please find a way to remedy this before your 580 points can be given.



Sorted. $$$$$$$ Profits are sweeeet!


Buying 100 Music, 100 YCM and 100 Graphic Showcase. Is that too many? If it is, just tell me.

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Sorted. $$$$$$$ Profits are sweeeet!


Buying 100 Music, 100 YCM and 100 Graphic Showcase. Is that too many? If it is, just tell me.

1. That is too many stocks. You can only have a total of 100 combined stocks.


2. According to my end, the issue is still not fixed. Please test your fix before sending points, as I cannot return all that I need too.


EDIT: Evilfusion fixed the problem. You have been paid your 580, and given a refund of 300 for purchasing too many stocks.

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