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[mtg] turn and burn

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Yeah, this was the shizzet in the RTR/THS standard format. (Not sure of ISD/RTR position though) A shame that it couldn't slay Hydras.
What I liked about this was combo'ing this with Satyr Firedancer to be able to kill Master of Waves.

Wait, how does this combo with Firedancer? Also, I'd note that there isn't a single card in Magic that abuses the fact that Hydras have base power and toughness 0/0.
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Wait, how does this combo with Firedancer?

Cast Turn/Burn - Turn targets Master of Waves, Burn targets the opponent. Turn resolves and strips MoW of its proc-red, while Burn resolves and hits the opponent. Firedancer then goes on the stack, and because Master of Waves has lost its proc-red, Firedancer can then deal 2 damage to MoW.

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Cast Turn/Burn - Turn targets Master of Waves, Burn targets the opponent. Turn resolves and strips MoW of its proc-red, while Burn resolves and hits the opponent. Firedancer then goes on the stack, and because Master of Waves has lost its proc-red, Firedancer can then deal 2 damage to MoW.

Both sides are a single spell that is both blue and red. Turn cannot target MoW because of pro red.
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Honestly, Fire // Ice is better in all formats it's legal in and the ur decks in mod don't even want to be playing this card. I've never played RTR block constructed tho.


This is a silly generalization. They do completely different things. Fire // Ice is HORRID in commander, where this is actually really nice.

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I can certainly see the value of this in commander. Format has tons of small utility creatures you can pick off and turning something big into an 0/1 is a great way to be someones friend and kill something that shouldn't have blocked/attacked.

Turn's ability to remove effects is why I value it the most. Turning a Blightsteel Colossus into a 0/1 is nice enough, but making it lose its indestructability and setting up lethal damage as well is even better.
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Turn's ability to remove effects is why I value it the most. Turning a Blightsteel Colossus into a 0/1 is nice enough, but making it lose its indestructability and setting up lethal damage as well is even better.


I think turning off indestructible is the best thing about the card in commander, especially since it has several really backbreaking indestructible guys.

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