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[Thar] tormey dared me to


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The borders don't really work here-they are usually added for a cinematic like effect but there really isn't enough action to warrant them, ain't much credible lighting although you could have used a soft brush on top of the render by her shoulder to give better lighting. You need to work on using more effects like fractals and gradient maps to just give it a nicer finish (fractals are great for lighting and gmaps just bring pieces together)


The clipping by her tit is bad, I mean I see what you were going for but I just think that it isn't quite there-the blurring is very much forced, it's usually used to add depth to a piece but the way it's done here is a bit odd as some parts are still regular whilst things right next to it are super blurred.


As me and smear have said multiple times use smaller workspaces, it's much easier (even if you find it easier to work with bigger ones) also don't feel afraid to just get a space background and slap it on the back, works wonders for tags.


You certainly haven't got a bad start in comparison to other people's first starts.

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Some nice weaving you got of the c4ds here. With the different blurs and her sharpness though it makes for a lot of different depths. 


It took me a while, but I'm glad I understand depth now. Was a lot more familiar with it than I thought.

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If this is a practice piece, good on you for getting some depth knowledge in but you didn't exactly get that either.


  • Blue = Middle Foreground. Note that the purple next to it is on the same plane as it.
  • Green = Foreground
  • Purple = a couple huge discrepancies with depth that makes absolutely no sense. Literally on the same if not multiple planes. Some of these go across zones that have no right having any degree of blurring/depth of field. 




Like how is it that something that gradually goes further away have the same depth as her front breast and her hand that's coming forward? Mind you, again I'm not upset at you. Practice makes perfect and someone pointing it out is better than nothing. Try something simpler and don't use fractals for now man.


EDIT: Before you yell at me Night for "shame on you Josh for not correcting his mistake directly and showing him a step by step"... I'm lazy kay?

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In regards to color application you generally want to avoid using the "color" option too frequently (if at all.) Get used to g-mapping/brushing to get the right hue's and saturation, this gives you a lot more flexibility and allows you to get a far more complex range of color/saturation/contrast. 


Getting composition down early is your key to success down the road, I'd advise that you work on that along with the basics (lighting/depth/flow/atmo) before diving into deeper concepts and more stylistic approaches. 

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